Impact of W in senior Transcript

My daughter is struggling in a class I’m senior year.

We feel that she might end with a D grade.

If she drops her class now, her transcript will say W.

Is it better than a D or UCs will rescind based on a senior W.


A Withdrawl on the transcript is much better than a D since all UC’s have provisional admission contracts stating Seniors much maintain a 3.0 GPA and no D’s or F’s. They will not rescind for a W as long as they are notified about the schedule change if the application has been submitted. Since the W will happen before application submission, it will not be a problem.

Thanks Gumbymom. The other issue we have is under enrollment in the senior year.

If she drops the class now, her senior course strength woukd take a hit since she cannot add a new class .

How much impact a lesser course load have on admissions

Which class is she planning to drop and what classes will she have left? My younger son opted for a late start schedule Senior year but he had only 5 classes but all were AP.

She plans to drop physics and she will have 3 APs left and Spanish 3 will be added in the spring semester . So 3 courses fall and 4 courses for spring

3 AP’s looks solid, but is she leaning towards a STEM major? If she has not taken Physics, that might be an issue. Is it AP Physics? Does the school offer just a regular or honors physics that might be slightly easier?

No STEM. Only economics or business Admin

This is regular physics and we have passed the deadline to add new classes

I would say her Senior schedule would be a little light especially if she is targeting the top UC’s. Any way to pick up a community college class on-line to help fill in the void? Has she spoken to her counselor about the impact of dropping the class? How about getting a tutor to help? I hired a tutor for both son’s since their AP Physics teacher was known not be too great in helping the students understand the material. They were both able to pass with A’s and B’s.

With a UC gpa of 3.82 and act score of 31 she is out of top UCs. She is primarily targeting UCSC and riverside.

She would love to go to Santa Barbara Davis or Irvine but it her GPA does not cut it

Does UCSC look like a match even after dropping physics

UCSC has a automatic. Rescind policy for a D

I think UCSC and UCR are reasonable targets with her lighter Senior year class load.

One last question, does UCI or Davis become very difficult if she drops Physics?

Trying to see if dropping physics jeopardizes her Irvine and Davis Chances?

I would rather have her do her absolute best and see if she can end with a C

I truely appreciate all your time and effort to answer my questions… College admissions are very stressful and angels like you are helping us by sharing your wealth of knowledge

You should consider UCI, UCSB and UCD as Slight Reach schools based on her UC GPA since the average UC GPA for these schools is a 4.1 or higher (regardless of major). It may have an impact on her chances but since she is not going for a STEM major, it may not impact her chances as much.

Since all the UC’s are so competitive and they turn away many qualified students, it is always in her best interests to present the best possible application. One C Senior year will not be a huge issue especially if she maintains the required 3.0 GPA. I am no admissions officer but dropping the course and the lighter course load may have a bigger impact than aiming for a C. UC’s consider HS course rigor Very Important in their application review.

A very difficult decision but I would try to see if she an stick with it and pull out at least a C by getting extra help from her teacher or have a top student tutor her.