<p>Looking at admissions statistics, it seems like if you're outside of top 10% you're pretty much screwed</p>
<p>I'm at about 12% in a class of 400+.</p>
<p>My Stats:</p>
<p>Applying Poli Sci Major</p>
<p>UC GPA: 3.9
Weighted: 4.1</p>
<p>SAT I: </p>
<p>730 CR
680 Math
710 Writing
2120 Total</p>
<p>SATII: </p>
<p>750 World History
710 Literature</p>
<p>Good essays
Average ECs</p>
<p>A reach to get in?</p>
<p>class rank is not a factor in admissions, unless you are ELC.</p>
<p>but the admissions statistics state that 99% of admitted students to UCSD were in the top 10% of their class.</p>
<p>True. That’s merely there for statistical purposes; class rank isn’t considered at all.</p>
<p>that 99% is an estimated number. Less than half of Cal public HS actually rank, so they don’t have the data even if they wanted to use it.</p>
<p>okay, so what would you say my chances for admission are?</p>
<p>I applied as a polisci major,
had a 3.96 UC gpa (they really only care about your UC GPA, your weighted does not matter)
had a 1890 SAT, SATII i had 740, 690, 700
I think I had average essays, average/below average ecs
at my overachiever highschool, in a class of 600+ i was in the top 30%</p>
<p>and I was admitted for winter 09. as a winter admit.
So I start a quarter later. but I WAS ACCEPTED.</p>
<p>I think you can get in for the fall. good luck. submit your aps and forget about them til march/april.</p>
<p>^i am not too sure about the 99% statistic. a lot of people from my school got in last year and i am certain that most of them were not in the top 10% of their class.</p>
<p>It think that factor of top 10% doesnt have to do with GPA only… but if its invalid, why would they waste the effort posting that statistic for every UC in most information you read about the UCs? In my opinion, its probably true considering top 10% may be speaking on average… alot of small random HS’s that had admitted maybe 1-2 students to UCSD had those students at the top 1%.</p>
<p>@strongbadfan, who knows… statistical averages dont necessarily mean if you dont break 4.0 UC GPA then you wont be admitted to the fall. Its just a major chance booster. Your major even couldve made the slightest factor.</p>
<p>@downthemoon: dont worry too much about the class rank, its not a huge factor but as i insinuated, it probably depends on your class size, school, and whether they hold record of that information… what they WILL compare is the UC GPA (average admitted was around 4.07) and SAT’s (Average was like in 1900s-2000s) Id say your chances arent bad at all. write good essays… those made the BIG difference for a suitemate of mine.</p>
<p>@ Purest</p>
<p>I didn’t mean to imply that breaking 4.0 means that you’ll get in for the fall quarter.
did I imply that at all?</p>
<p>I was just letting the OP see my stats which are a bit lower than the OP’s, and trying to inform the OP that its NOT impossible to get in with those stats. </p>
<p>I got in with lower stats than the OP that is all.</p>
<p>See a similar thread
<a href=“http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/university-california-san-diego/497539-not-top-10-am-i-screwed.html[/url]”>http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/university-california-san-diego/497539-not-top-10-am-i-screwed.html</a></p>
<p>Lol no you didn’t imply that at all… where did you get that idea.
simply throwing out examples as to the wide range of admissions.</p>
<p>Okay, thanks everyone for your thoughts and opinions.</p>
<p>I have one final question.</p>
<p>Looking at UCSD’s scoring rubric for admission, they don’t have a place for AP scores.</p>
<p>Do you think scoring well on AP tests will yield additional points in this admission scale?</p>
<p>(I’ve scored 5 on Euro and U.S. hist and 4 on Chem and English Lang.)</p>
<p>Last I heard they have no effect on the application process.</p>
<p>AP scores have never had an effect on admissions. They merely count as credit and allow you to bypass certain GE’s.</p>