<p>How important is class rank when it come to class size? I'm ranked 2 out of what will probably be about 200. I realize this isn't nearly as impressive as being ranked 2 in a class of 1000. Is this even impressive? Would admissions just as well choose someone ranked much lower from a larger class size?</p>
<p>Yeah i have a similar question...except i'm 1 out of 25.</p>
<p>yes its impressive. they do it by percents. youre in the top 1% of your class. HOW UNIMPRESSIVE. um i take it you are one of those kids that retakes 2370s as well....</p>
<p>i'd say that ranked two out of anything is awesome....but then it depends on alot of things...like if your school is competitive or if it weights your gpa. Alot of schools, like mine, doesn't even rank because of the ridiculous competition, so I wouldn't worry about class rank that much...colleges usually recalibrate your profile to match their needs anyway....but hey, ranked #2 sure as hell isn't gonna hurt you.</p>
<p>Sorry, I'm new here. What is a 2370? As in SAT score? Ha! My SAT score is really quite unimpressive (1780, fyi). I've only taken it once though, in my defense.</p>
<p>Oh for heaven's sake, if you want to talk about small class size, I was ranked 4th in a class of 6 - that's in the bottom 50%. I did just fine. Stop worrying.</p>
<p>Haha, alright. I've just been reading lots of threads on here today and oh my god! I honestly had no idea about all these sorts of things, and how few people get accepted into whatever, despite great scores/extra curriculars...whatever. I literally said to my mother "I am not getting in ANYWHERE!".</p>
<p>The people on collegeconfidential are, in general, overachieving, paranoid people who think that if you have anything less than a 2600 on your SAT (despite the fact that it is impossible), a 6.0 GPA, all AP classes since freshman year, and president of NASA as an extracurricular, you are condemned to being rejected by community colleges across the nation. :D</p>
<p>There is hope beyond class rank. Don't let the posts on this site bother you too much.</p>