I have 30 hours of community service. Straight As, took challenging courses, etc. Also, I went very deep, but not very wide in extra curriculars–I.e., I’m not involved in like eight clubs, only four, but in those clubs I went really far with them.
The only weak spot is basically community service. I did volunteer in a research lab prior to doing my own research for something like 200 hours, but that’s clearly not the same.
How would all this impact my chances/should I apply?
Thanks so much.
Honestly, not much. Community service is essential, but most colleges are informed that in numerous high school across the nation, it is required. So, lucky you. Do not worry, you seem like an amazing candidate 
Thanks for your help. I’m specifically wondering about the coca cola scholarship (perhaps you’re actually referring to the scholarship, and I’m just reading ambiguity into your statement, idk).
Does your statement still apply to the scholarship, you think?
Hi there, 2015 Coca-Cola Scholar here. Unfortunately [in this situation], the importance of community service hours is immense. The scholar average was around 1200 last year… as in, 1200 PER Scholar (throughout high school).
I’d still apply, because the initial application is short. Best of luck!