Importance of essay

<p>are there anyone who think that you guys got in because of essay??even with poor gpa(under 3.8) and average sat(under 2100)???</p>

<p>im talking about top tier UCs…la cal sd</p>

<p>It won't affect SD much. All they want to see is if they can add pts to their already predetermined categories for giving pts (ie. big struggle in life, some activities) For LA and Berkeley, in theory, the same treatment is given to the personal statement. It would necessarily make a difference if someone was borderline being accepted (which probably doesn't factor into the "poor student" example), but the only way that it would help a weak applicant is if the personal statement made some instant connection to all 3 people that review your application. It CAN happen where you'll see a weak student get in, but for the purposes of chancing on this forum, people generally tend to disregard that slight chance since it's far too small.
PS: If you were referring to yourself, having your stats on the thread right below this one's probably not the best idea to conceal it.</p>