Importance of service hours for admission??

<p>Does the amount of service hours matter much?? </p>

<p>I have about 200 hours and school requirement is like 120.
Do I have enough?
If I'm applying for engineering major, is it gonna matter?
Am I better off with more??</p>

<p>Check the archives you'll see that ECs and CS are not that important for the majority of colleges, which pay far more attention to stats than ECs and CS. The main colleges for which ECs and CS are important are places like HPYS, which have an overabundance of high stat applicants, so can afford to select students based on factors that will create a well rounded class.</p>

<p>You also can check the US News books and site (well worth the $15 annual fee) and find out what schools factor ECs/CS into admissions.</p>

<p>As for hours -- not that important even for the colleges that factor in CS. What's important to those colleges is what you accomplished doing your service, not how many hours you put in. Someone who put in 400 hours answering the phones at a nonprofit wouldn't be as impressive as someone who created and organized a project that raised $1,000 or established a tutoring program, no matter how many hours that took.</p>

<p>Hmmm, though you make it sound as if you really didn't care much about your community service [since you bring up that requirement number] though I could very well be wrong and you absolutely enjoyed doing them, and good for you then. Because I personally did plenty [around 250 hrs] of CS just to please the colleges but then I realized that I wasn't doing it for myself so I didn't bother putting it on my apps and I still managed fine, though if you are committed to the CS your partake in then I definitely suggest you put it on your app [perhaps even make a strong essay] so good luck with everything and happy summer.</p>