Important Advice for International Students

<p>Although,as I hav searchd thru the Australian unis,they offer scholarships to us,but its very-very ''once in a blue moon'' type...n UK unis are the worst of them of all......they dont even offer ANYTHING............</p>

<p>lol..i found some good ones....of Cambridge university...and the basic requirement was...aweful amount of A' s..and other frightening requirements...</p>

<p>^''frightening req...''.....hehe.....(chuckled out of the seat..)..</p>

<p>hehe....i was shell shocked when i came to learn about it....but then its Cambridge...</p>

<p>I'd love to go to one among these in UK if I get good aid(hehe.. no hopes I knoe)
1. Oxford
2. Trinity College, Cambridge
3. Imperial College
and Reading University (coz there's prof. Kevin Warwick)</p>

<p>actually I haven't researched many UK colleges.. I don't have much money anyways.. and they are sooo stingy!!!</p>

<p>UK is a no-no for me..not until I earn enuf bucks to be able to settle into "London is all life can afford"</p>


<p>I just wanna let know that UPEI <a href=""&gt;;/a> is a good school with good professors located in Canada plus it's not THAT expensive and offers some scholarships to international students. I am finishing my freshman year and I am quite pleased. Check it out and feel free to contact me if you want more details!</p>

<p>hi, before i started my admission process, i sought help from the representative of educationUSA here in the philippines, she was relatively able to help and i felt really safe that someone who knew the ropes was willing to help me. but after the first meeting, i started e-mailing her, she never replied. not to one single e-mail that i sent. in hte end, i had to do it with out her, so i was kinda disappointed.</p>

<p>im not saying educationUSA is bad, im just sharing an experience in hopes that none of you who are about to go through admissions process experience it.</p>

<p>Let me compile all the important links in this thread..
For US-
<a href=""&gt;;/a>
<a href=""&gt;;/a>
For Canada-
<a href=""&gt;;/a>
<a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>No, no. I've met EducationUSA advisors from all over the world - Zimbabwe, Nigeria, Malawi, Bulgaria, Mongolia, Brazil...and they all seemed to be hardworking, dedicated and nice people with various success stories. Of course, in many countries, the story is not the same.
In Nigeria, I never visited educationUSA - too far away from home, too expensive, and elitist. There are SO many other places to get advice from. And mostly, people did everything on their own...but in Zimbabwe, the advisor there is AMAZING.</p>

<p><a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>Contains a very old list of 2002-03, does anybody any link to a similar page containing recent data ?</p>

<p>Do you know how much O and A level results count for admission?(I got 8 and 4 A's respectively, plus a distinction).</p>

<p>Except college, can there be any other source of aid e.g.federal?</p>

<p>what's better need-based or need-blind aid?</p>

<p>which colleges give full scholarships?</p>

<p><a href=""&gt;;/a> also has alot of information for international students looking to attend college in the US. they have a section dedicated soley to international students searching for US colleges, scholarships and advice.</p>

<p><a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>dear Carolyn,
thank you for your support for international students. I am from Colombia, and nobody in the US knows where that is. I am really concerned about this issue - I am afraid colleges won't accept me. Do you think you can provide me with supoport on this issue? I am just a sophomeore, but I am worried about my future.</p>


<p>PM me of what you are worried of...I may be of some help..</p>

<p>when should i submit my application of admission to my college if i want to enroll on fall sem?</p>

<p>There is a particular ''postmark deadline'' for all colleges..For Early Action/Early Decision, it is generally in October/November and for Regular Decision, the deadline is generally in December end...*This is a general statement, for particulars, check the desired college's site(s)..</p>

<p>how do I report my ibt toefl score?
the form has section 1,2 ,3 and twe ..</p>

<p>Hello, one very important for me question. I submited common application to the institutions i wanted, but the school forms and the financial aid documents i send by snail mail, i am sure will be late. </p>

<p>I posted them several days before the deadline but, as i am from Bulgaria, Europe, i am sure thew will arrive in the US colleges after the regular deadline.</p>

<p>Here is an example of what i am asking: I apply to a college with a regular deadline on 1st January. I send my documents on 23rd december /the postmark verify that/ , but they reach the college on the 10th January!</p>

<p>So , will the college consider my application and documentation . Had i kept the deadline???</p>

<p>Please, if someone can explain to me, because i can't find the answer nowhere.</p>

<p>goldminer, as long as the common application is submitted by the specified deadline, schools will not mind receiving the rest of your application package after that date. </p>

<p>If you push the "submit" button and have confirmation that your application has been submitted successfully, you have absolutely nothing to worry about.</p>