<p>Is the application due at 11:59 pm on 10/31, or 11:59 pm on November first? In other words, does “due by November first” mean it is also OK to submit ON November first? Important question, does anyone know? Thanks.</p>
<p>November 1st begins at midnight, so it's one minute after 11:59pm October 31st.</p>
<p>As long you postmark the application by Nov.1st. That means going to your post office and have them put a stamp with a date on it. Because if you put it on the mailbox on the 1st, but it has passed the mailman's pick up time, then your application wont' be sent until the 2nd.</p>
<p>Post offices are open on Saturdays right?!</p>
<p>It depends on post office. My town’s post office is open on Saturday, the one in the next town doesn’t. That’s pretty strange since post offices are federal government own, you would think they have a national standard. </p>
<p>Go to here:
[USPS.Find</a> a Business/Standard Search - United States Postal Service](<a href=“http://usps.whitepages.com/post_office]USPS.Find”>http://usps.whitepages.com/post_office)
and input your zip code. It should locate the nearest post office and its hours.</p>