IMPORTANT question regarding application

<p>I applied Early Action already.
I got it in Thursday.
HOWEVER, my counselor has yet to send in the counselor supplement or my transcript.
I am FREAKING out.
Will I still be considered early action :(?
I e-mailed the man who came here (California) to talk about the school with me, but I haven't heard back yet, and I will eventually, but if anyone knows anything on here would they please let me know?</p>

<p>Thanks alot. !</p>

<p>I believe the material has to be postmarked by the deadline to be considered Early Action. I don’t recall if the deadline is Nov 1 or Nov 15 but if it’s 15 you’ve still got a shot</p>

<p>I believe all materials had to be postmarked by November 1.
I suppose they would put you in the regular decision pile? you could call admissions and see what they say… ;-(</p>

<p>well, the guy who interviewed me said it would be fine, as long as i had MY application in and the test scores.
They’re being sent today though, so all is well.
Or at least, it had better be :)</p>