<p>If I submit my Yale application on November 1st, will it look bad that I sent it in at the last possible time?</p>
<p>nope, most people will. although you may have a little trouble - the server will probably be really busy. you’ll be fine, though.</p>
<p>really? my dad told me that if you send in an app the day before it’s due it looks pretty bad to the adcom…</p>
<p>If they say Nov. 1st, then Nov. 1st is fine. They can’t penalize people for complying with their own published deadlines.</p>
<p>It’s true, though, that the Common App website has gotten overwhelmed with last minute filers in the past.</p>
<p>If you set a deadline, then as long as it’s upheld by that deadline.</p>
<p>I dont think it reflects one bit negatively on someone who sends it on the day of. People have circumstances, so if they get it on time, who cares?</p>