Improved Chances with Internship and Job?

<p>Hi Junior here, I'm looking to apply to Ivies and other top schools (UChicago is my top choice, NU is a close second). I have a sibling that graduated from UChicago so that may help a little as well.</p>

<p>SAT: 2320 superscored (800 CR 800 M 720 W)
ACT: 34
SAT II: 800 Math II, 800 Physics
APs: Micro and Macro (both 5s), Calc BC (5), Physics B (5), English Lang, Spanish Lang, APUSH, AP Bio, AP Physics C, AP Chem, AP English Lit, AP Computer Science, AP US Gov, AP Statistics</p>

<p>Most rigorous courses all 4 years, and i took Honors MV Calculus and Linear Algebra as a junior. I will try to study Differential Equations on my own next year.</p>

<p>Also president of a couple clubs, member of several others. Leader in Marching band, part of pep band for basketball games, and section leader for one year (clarinet).</p>

<p>How much weight would 2 internships and a summer job have on my chances? I had a summer internship following my freshman year where i wrote code for a small company in my area. Second internship was also programming oriented but focused more on financial applications and was for a different company. The second company called me back for a paid summer job this summer and I'm going to be doing much of the same thing as last summer. I might also be doing some part time coding for them once the summer is over and school begins.</p>

<p>I'm probably going to write in my essays about the things I did over these summers and write about how much I learned from them and what an impact they had on me. I'm just wondering, in terms of college admissions, how much weight could these carry? Is this the same as any other summer job or would this be looked upon more highly since I did more advanced work? I'll also get a recommendation from my supervisor at the last job.</p>