<p>Hello I am a rising senior, so obviously, I don't have a lot of time left to take the ACT test. :(
When I first took the ACT (only studied w/ the red book), I got a 31.
1. Is my score considered good, average, or bad?
2. What are my chances of getting into UVA or NYU?
3. What can I do to raise my score to +33?
Please help!! I'm currently studying off of the Princeton ACT workbooks, but I think your advices would help a LOT. :D</p>
<p>Also, for the 3rd question, please tell me good study methods I could use to study for my ACTs!!! Thank you :DD</p>
<p>Practice, practice, practice… It may sound cliche, but it really is the most effective way to raise scores. Practicing with a partner or tutor is usually more effective than studying from a book by yourself. When you have someone to help test you, ask questions about your answers and discuss the material, it makes a world of difference.</p>
<p>31 is a very good score!</p>
<p>Your chances are good but get your ACT score higher would def increase your chance of getting in!</p>
<p>Practice, practice, and practice!</p>
<p>If you are aiming for 33+ than I would def say you should get Barron’s ACT 36 with an additional regular ACT prep book such as PR’s ACT book. Also you might want to consider PR’s 1296 ACT book for practicing!</p>
<p>Thank you so much you guys!!!
I will take you guys’ advice into account :D</p>