<p>I am a junior in high school and have a 3.8 gpa(weighted) and 1510/1600 on the sat and i will be taking it again in october to get closer to a 1600. I know my Gpa is low for a couple of top tier colleges. I am taking 5 AP's in school next year. I am thinking about working hard from now and getting a high gpa next year. I have slacked in my previous years and i have been constantly notified by teachers, parents, and friends that i could do a lot better. So will my senior year grades, if i do really well, impress those top tier colleges enough to accept me.</p>
<p>Um…1510? I’m assuming you’re using the reading+math score? You need some extracirricular for the very top unis. Otherwise you’re quite ok. Not sure what unis you’re applying though</p>
<p>Yeah that is math + reading. i heard u chicago and georgetown and cornell dont consider writing and that most colleges give less weight to writing.
I am planning on improving my reading score to at least a 750.
(hopefully more)
My parents want me apply to u chicago and my dad wants me to apply to harvard as well as MIT.
I played football in freshman and sophomore year but i couldn’t play junior year because i went to India over the summer. So my senior year, i am becoming an assisstant coach for a youth football team. I also play a lot of madden(a football videogame) for which i am thinking about making youtube videos.
I also applied for a job at dominos for which they are doing a background check.</p>
<p>I am also in a couple of honor societies, comp sci, math, nhs, science</p>
<p>i went to the regional science fair twice (freshman and sophomore year)
Other than that i have no others. I know that i don’t have a lot of ec’s but did only the ones that i liked. I am not one of those kids who does a lot of clubs to get into college
I know my gpa is bad for the very top unis but i will definetely make it improve next year.</p>
<p>MIT will look at your writing score. What is your SAT writing score? You also need at least 2 subject tests for Harvard and MIT as well as many top schools.</p>
<p>my writing is 700. my essay got a 8 which is why i got a 700. i only missed 2 MC. i thought my essay was good but i didnt have 3 body paragraphs. And, as for subject tests i will take them in november or december.</p>
<p>You’ll need some more ECs- maybe volunteer work or internship or research?</p>
<p>If you are a rising senior, it is a bit late to take subject test in November or later. You may miss the deadline for EA/ED. Having an SAT score of 2210 is right at the borderline to apply to top schools. GPA at 3.8 is also below average for top schools (~3.9). Nevertheless, you should be match to many schools in the top 50. You may have a better chance with Cornell among all the Ivies. Harvard and MIT are not very likely as your scores/GPA are below average for their admission. If you are a rising Junior, then you still have a lot of time to improve your scores to achieve a better chance for these top schools.</p>
<p>i forgot to add in volunteer service, sorry.
i have 110 hours of service now mostly with the red cross. And, i can count the football coaching as more service so i will have about 200 hours</p>
<p>the burning question in me is, if i do a lot better in senior year, as far as gpa goes, will it help my application a lot? Will the colleges think that this guy is improving and has a lot of potential?</p>
<p>Can i put on college application that i went to the school weight room after school in fresman and sophomore year and that i went to the gym this year every other day? Will it help my application and improve my chances?</p>
<p>If you are not applying EA/ED, you may be able to submit first semester grades as supplement. However, it probably would not make much difference. You may bump up your GPA from 3.8 to 3.85 at most by adding one semester.</p>
<p>nice. so if they see my improved senior year grades then they will be more willing to accept me, right?</p>
<p>Any upward trend is good.</p>
<p>Harvard, MIT, Chicago: Reach to High Reach</p>
<p>Rank? Top 10%? If not, almost no chances.</p>
<p>my school doesn’t rank</p>