Improving odds for UFE acceptance

Hey everyone! High school junior here. I’m really gunning for a spot in the UFE, and I would like to know what I can do between now and next year to improve my odds of acceptance. Here is some of my information:

ACT: 32 (Taken during sophomore year. I expect it to rise.)

PSAT: 217 (from AL, so probably NMSF?)

GPA: 4.0 UW/4.4 W

ECs/community service:
-I will most likely be attending a 6 week long research internship at Vanderbilt this summer. (REHSS)
-Mu Alpha Theta Chapter President
-SCA officer
-All State musician
-Varsity Scholars’ Team (All Star Team ranking.)
-Attended U of A Honor Band the last few years and made the Wind Ensemble (top group.)
-NHS, Chess Club, Historical Society, Spanish Club… the usual.
-Founding member of our local Greater Goods Food Pantry.
-Volunteer as a tutor.

-I give trumpet lessons weekly.

-I don’t know if this helps, but I believe my dad got his PhD from UA.

I would love your feedback. Thanks everyone…
Roll Tide

I think it always helps to do a campus visit, but have the HC arrange for you to have an appt with Dr. Morgan so that she can tell you more about UFE and she can get to know you.l

Thanks @mom2collegekids.
I’ve already been on one tour at UA, but I will definitely consider getting an appointment with Dr. Morgan.

UFE is really focused and centered around servant leadership. Think about that, in the context of your high school career, and be ready to tell your story about what you’ve done so far, and what you want to do in servant leadership in college. You also have to kill the essay.