<p>If i did not so well freshman year (2.7 sigh)
Then if i have a improvement for the next 3 years where every year my grade increase.</p>
<p>Will college recognize my improvement on my transcript and put it into consideration as something like "Well when things get rough this student can adjust and learn to get on level"?</p>
<p>I didn’t do so well this year. I got a B this semester and have to retake a class which I failed. (OK, DON’T YELL AT ME FOR BRINGING THIS UP AGAIN.)</p>
Last year i got a 2.7 because i was still in the mindset of Middle school and had no future look
It wasn’t till my summer I had a revelation of what i have to do.
So Its my sophmore year
I got a 3.0 1st quarter, I still was weak and its sad cause i had a 3.7 at interim so i dropped .7 and from there i went downhill.
Right now its 2nd quarter…
Because of that crash 1st quarter i had a rocky start 2nd quarter
I got a 2.9 interim
Now i have a 3.4 and the quarter ends this week and I have aced all tests so far so if i do good on whats left i should bring it up to a 3.6</p>
<p>It was not until last week i got the biggest picture, Redone my whole room for school, reorganize my whiteboard and wooden board, get a new board with sticky notes of what i have to do via HW and Tests and Projects.</p>
<p>So i went back on track, after that I have aced any test and quiz and assignment any Homework.</p>
<p>So my goal is a 4.0-3.9 from here on out till senor year.
Taking all AP next year
I do better in my current 2 pre-ap classes cause if a class is slow i do bad.
Current president of JCC and hoping my fundraiser goes well.</p>
<p>So if i go 4.0 from now on and finish my 2nd quarter of sophomore year with a 3.6 then my gpa shouldn’t be my weakness right?</p>
<p>Its because i have dropped playing games,(Mainly i have grown up and I am sick of it)
that may have helped
Also I am immune to failure or D’s, so my problem are only C’s and B’s
I take notes now, i use flash cards, i study for hours and weeks before tests.
I have the luxury of some teachers posting everything that will be done for the month.
Plus i use our schools issued agenda to my advantage.</p>
<p>ok well i also plan to go to governors school over summer, i have 3 teachers recommendation and a counselor recommendation.</p>
<p>I have also competed in FBLA competitions and part of the College Partnership Program and planning on being a referee next year for my local sports youth club.</p>
<p>Rabi i only focus on schoolwork, I focus on everything on school, i always stay awake and take notes, and always to build a good relationship with counselors and go above and beyond.</p>
<p>For anyone in general i plan to apply to
<p>First Generation of my family to go to college if that helps meh.</p>