@balloony If you read moderators instruction on what to tell and what not to tell on collegeconfidendial, you will see that they highly recommend not to disclose your identity (your stats, location and so on) because admissions CAN read it!
I think they can right it if they want, but I doubt they do
@corrjayna thanks, also good luck everybody!!
If anyone gets their letter tomorrow, tell us here ASAP
Good luck guys!
I dunno if I can sleep tonight. It’s like waiting for the tooth fairy, except its not the tooth fairy.
It’s the IMSA fairy lol
^ haha me too
I don’t think the letters are coming until Wednesday… but let us know if you get them ASAP
IMSA will send letters tomorrow. Post office will pick them up at 5 p.m. Areas surrounding Aurora will receive letters on Tuesday, remote areas - on Wednesday. The slowest moving post offices in the middle on nowhere - on Thursday (very unlikely). So, I guess, everybody will get their letters by Wednesday… unless the letter is lost :-S, which is very unlikely as well…
also it is possible that someone might receive it tomorrow, I suppose
Well, it will also depend if IMSA admissions will bring letters in the morning to the post office directly, when everything will be faster
@javascript Maybe IMSA gave the admission letters into the post office Saturday. Since the post office does not deliver sundays, they will be delivered Monday???
Ugh, I wish it was true that they already sent out the letters… but I guess they really are waiting until May 1st
I read through a thread where people get their letters on April 30th… I think it was for the class of '19
@lsutiger25 Hey, it was a long time since I seen you here! :-h
My guess, admission is closed on Saturday and Sunday.
Why would they send letters on Saturday if they said in their email that letters will be SENT on Monday?
The worst case, the letters will be picked up at 5 pm tomorrow by post office…
Last year IMSA promised to send letters by May 15, but it was sooner. This year they promised to send in on May 1, not by May 1.
@javascript ughhhghghghg That’s the worst!!!
Oh right I think I made a mistake saying they came today last year, the letters actually came may 1st but it was a Sunday last year so I’m guessing at least some people will get them tomorrow.
I just checked last year forum and yes, almost everybody (including me) received decision letters on April 30, 2016!
I am thinking now that many people will receive their letters tomorrow!
Today’s the day! Well, tomorrow might be the day too but…let’s see if we take home the W or the L
@spoonfulofpi Ahhhhhhhh! I cannot wait…