In 2003 a ~60% (64/108) on Cal BC was a 5!

<p><a href=""&gt;;/a>
^this the free-response for the 2003 calculus bc a JOKE...</p>

<p>In 2003 a 60% was a 5...well, today's bc test was "much" harder than the 2003 test (todays test wasn't really "hard", but it was "harder" than 2003's ;)), so, if there was such an EPIC CURVE in '03, there's probably going to be a pretty decent one this year :)</p>

<p>This is probably good news for some of the people who took the test today, and are freaking out right now about their scores :)</p>

<p>I think i got a 5 on the BC test, but all i need for credit is a 4 on the</p>

<p>I'm sure I got a 5 on the AB subscore. But I hope you're right. That could mean I barely squeak by on a 5 :)</p>

<p>Yeah Calc BC has a huge curve.</p>

<p>^ Meh honestly I think curves dont change THAT much from year to year, like maybe 5% at most. Nothing major...</p>

<p>I kind of thought today's test was epically easy...i don't understand why it would curve like that, at all. I guess it's good, though!</p>