In confusion and need a bit of help.

<p>When I initially created an account, I was able to see all 8 of the essays, but after signing in two days later I'm not able to access the essays. When I go to the essay tabs it's stated "add essays." What am I doing wrong? Lol. Are these the 8 topics by the way? I found these in the practice form:
1.) discuss the subjects in which you excel or have excelled. To what factors do you attribute your success?
2.) discuss the subjects in which you have had difficulty.
3.) discuss your short term and long term goals. Are some of them related?
4.) discuss a leadership experience you have had in any area of your life.
5.) discuss your involvement in and contributions near your home, school, or elsewhere.
6.) other than through classes in school, in what area have you acquired knowledge or skills?
7.) is there anything else you would like to tell us that may help us evaluate your nomination
8.) briefly describe a situation in which you felt that you or others were treated unfairly or were not given an opportunity you felt you deserved. </p>

<p>I know I didn't write the full topics, but I'm typing this from iPhone, so yeahÂ…</p>