In dire need of improvement in Critical Reading and Writing!!!

<p>I need help to get 660-690 on both of these sections. Right now i'm getting 600-620 in both of them and it's ****ing me off.</p>

<p>I'm taking the SAT in November and would love to know the best way to approach both of these sections when taking them, and also the best way to prepare for them, even if it's time consuming. I need a 2100+ by November so I am willing to study hard. I also feel as if I've used every practice book out there and don't recognize a change. Any tips?</p>

<p>I think we're in the same boat!!! But I have to take it in October along with TOEFL IBT.</p>

<p>Let me guess, you're Asian?</p>

<p>lol i need the same help, except im scoring in the high 400s. i like the writing section the most, and i whenever i do practice tests i believe i will score the highest in writing, but i end up scoring the lowest on it. it seems so easy when i do them, please, someone help =(</p>

<p>Firstly: Get the Blue book. Then follow the xiggi method. Take the first few tests with your prep books open and unlimited time. Do each question then check the answer. Imagine the question. Notice how the structure works and how ETS is trying to trick you. Note why you got the question right or wrong.Then do a few tests without prep books but still with unlimited time. Then take a few tests without prep books and with regular time.</p>

<p>Secondly: Post any questions in writing or CR that you are having difficulty with. Others will help you crack them and you will soon master the techniques.</p>

<p>Everyone here says Blue Book. What kind of blue book is it? Is it ETS Official SAT Guide???
Sorry, I'm not well-educated about this.</p>

<p>its the official study guide for the new sat by college board</p>

<p>Thx, vin!!!</p>