Ok, so I’m a female, african american high school junior who is FLIPPING OUT!
I really want to get into a good college, but I’m afraid that my grades aren’t good enough. Also, I’m new to all of this so I’m unsure of what all of the abbreviations are; ex, EC? UC? Alsoi how do you calculate a weighted grade? AHH I’m SO unsure!
Gender: Female
Ethnicity: African American
Age: 16 (high school junior)
GPA: 3.393 (1st quarter of school junior year)
Cumm GPA: 3.345 (cumm)
SAT: Verbal- 610 and Math- 700
Current classes: FST (Functions, Statistics, and Trig), English 11 (regular class), Spanish 4, Accelerated Physics, Speech, Gourmet Foods, Band
Past Classes (frosh and soph year): Biology, Chemistry, Geometry, Advanced Algebra (Algebra 2), English 9 (regular class), Honors English 10, Spanish 2, Spanish 3, Accelerated World History, US History, Gym, Health 9 and 10, Integrated Computer Applications, and Band
Extracurriculars: Marching Band, Book Club, Speech and Debate, Open Forum (Secretary), Track, Volleyball (9th grade only), Spanish Club, S.A.D.D., Drama Club, Thespians
Volunteering: Every Sunday I teach Sunday School to 4,5,6 year olds and I do Relay for Life which raises money for cancer patients
Awards: 3rd, 4th, 5th place awards in Speech and Debate, Athlete Scholar Award (10th grade), Track Participation awards (9th and 10th), Volleyball Participation Award (9th), Varsity Letter in Speech and Debate, Varsity Letter in Track
Next Year Plans: I plan to take the following AP classes: Chemistry, Calc (BC), Spanish, and Spanish Literature
I really want to major in Business and go to a GREAT college like Emory. Do I have even the slightest chance of getting in???