I came from another country, and my presents still live in home country.I’m a VA resident and I live with my sister- she is a resident as well. I applied for couple schools in VA, and they asked for my in-state documents. So I called UVA and told them my parents financially support me. However they told me that if my parents are out-state even I’m instate, I don’t qualify for in-state tuition which is ridiculous. Is this the same for all VA schools? Can I say my sister financially support me? (my sister is not my legal guardian, and I’m over 18)
All VA public schools should have the same rule for establishing residency. Since you’re a dependent, your parents’ residency determines your state residency, since they would be the ones paying income taxes to VA (if they were in-state).
@goldenbear2020 is absolutely correct.^^^ Where your parents reside determines your residency.
No, your parents pay for you to live in VA with your sister, and you are supported by your parents, who reside in another country.
Your parents do not pay federal US taxes, and more importantly, do not pay Virginia state taxes. They do not reside, long term in Virginia, paying and using services of the local area and paying local taxes as well.
Living in Virginia is not the same as being a state resident with federal, state, and local tax obligations which is what Virginia taxpayers pay and have paid over many years of residency.
Someone I know goes to penn state U, and she was 22 when she applied and was qualified for instate tuition ( she lived and payed tax in PA). I recently got a job and have been working, can I be instate if I pay my tuition by my wages and take student loans?
Each state has different requirements. Virginia has tough residency requirements because they do have great schools.
You, working part-time, can’t possibly make up for full-time wages and taxes of a resident who has been working for years,voting and paying taxes. Your residency is determined by your parents place of residency.
FYI: US-backed student loans are not given to international students.
Are you a citizen or an international (on a J1/F1 visa)?
Regardless of where parents live, J1/F1 students never get instate rates.
If you graduated HS in VA and have lived a certain number of years, there may be a clause that applies to you, but only if you’re a citizen/permanent resident.