<p>Do you get any preference for in-state private universities. For example I live in Pennsylvania and want to go to Penn. Would I get a slight bit of preference or no?</p>
<p>Penn reaches out to nearby Philly schools. But for the rest of the state, the advantage is negligible to non-existant</p>
<p>@T26E4 So attending a top 20 (in top 15) school in Pennsylvania will not help me even slightly? </p>
<p>Look at its common data set</p>
<p>section c7</p>
<p>@hagzzz where do I find that?</p>
<p>Type “CDS” + the name of the school in your favorite browser. Or “college data” + name of the school, (=> Admissions.)
Attending a top school will help you, especially if it’s a known “feeder” school so ++
– but the fact that it’s near Penn may actually work against you because
1° More students from your school will apply there than, say, to Emory or Pomona
2° National universities and LACs want to have top students from a great variety of schools and regions.
It will depend on your relative standing compared to others from the school applying to Penn AND what others from the same area applying to Penn bring to the table.</p>
<p>@Aquas98, go to Google and do a search for “Common Data Set + Penn State” or whichever school you’re looking for. A link should come up.</p>
<p>@MYOS1634 No my school is by Pittsburgh, the other side of Pennsylvania. </p>
<p>Even if it’s, say, in Shadyside and not on the Main Line, it’s still the same state and within a 400 mile radius, so 1° and 2° still apply, alas. Perhaps less so than if it were located closer, but still not so much that these factors are lessened substantially.</p>