In tears someone please tell me how this will effect me!

<p>I'm in tears!
I'm also really worried, I Failed my AP Biology exam! This has never happened to me before and I've been crying about it all day, also only 2 people in the whole class even passed the exam. I got a 62 (F) and so my first semester grade is an 83 (B-), before I had a 4.0 GPA, and straight A's, and although I got a B- in AP Bio this semester all my other semester grades are A's, (besides AP Bio I'm taking AP English, AP calculus AB, intro. to business, aerobics) I took dual credit govt. and economics over the summer and got A's. I also have an out period and student aide in case anyone thinks I have too few classes. My english teacher told me my GPA shouldn't go below 3.9 b/c of this, but I'm still really worried about it!!! I applied to Rice regular decision by the way so I'm getting ready to send in my mid-year report, which I think only shows semester grades for my school. I mean, why would they show exam grades right??? With Rice I'd really thought I'd had a chance of getting in, is it gone now???
By the way I applied for a major in English and not anything having to do with math or science in case that helps.
My teacher said that her grades are final.
In case it was confusing my semester grades look somewhat like this:</p>

<p>Aerobics: 99
Intro. to Business: 99
AP English: 90
AP Calculus AB: 93 (my school doesn't offer BC)
AP Biology: 83/84 (my mind is so traumatized I can't remember the exact grade)</p>

<p>This shouldn’t be too big of a deal, to be honest. They only see semester grades, anyway. I don’t know enough about your situation and application to really say anything with confidence, but if everything else is in shape, this shouldn’t keep you out if you were a contender to begin with…</p>

<p>DUDE. ITS ONE B. CHILLOUT. seriously- its just a b (ABOVE AVERAGE!)
you really need to relax. It will not affect your standing AT ALL. Believe me.</p>

<p>LOL. 10char</p>

<p>lol if you’re gonna have a nervous breakdown every time you get a B on your GPA, you might want to reconsider Rice.</p>

<p>hahaha so true.</p>

<p>By the way my high school doesn’t offer alot of AP courses and the only other AP course it would’ve made sense for me to take is AP spanish but since I took three years of it to graduate distinguished which was my only reason for taking spanish, since I plan to study korean as a second language in college, I thought I shouldn’t take it and that 3 AP courses were a rigorous enough workload. Alot of kids also took dual credit econ/govt which I took over the summer b/c I thought it would look good and everything and like I said got an A. </p>

<p>Also, if it helps to evaluate how Rice will view this slump in my 1st semester senior year when they get my mid-year report, I got all A’s junior year and made a 3 in AP english exam and 5 in AP history exam. My science was Pre-AP physics which I got an A in. If this is REALLY bad for my chances of getting into Rice should I hold off on sending in my mid-year report or is that not gonna make a difference? Does anyone know how great a factor the mid-year report is in acceptance or how closely they look at it?</p>

<p>Look at it this way-I really don’t think Admissions people really need to see all A’s; in fact, they worry about the person who only gets A’s-or the schools that just hand them out all the time. Only two kids in your class did pass the test-so they compare you to your school. Don’t panic. I know students at the very best schools and most got lots of B’s-it can be liberating not to always get all A’s. Relax. Take the real AP exam in May and see how you really measure up.</p>

<p>Seriously chill out
Got 2 B- in Calc BC
Got B- in AP Chem
Got into Rice ED - totally agree with Beef</p>

<p>Your GPA is fine, just wait for your decision like everyone else
The midyear report is to make sure you’re not slacking off and taking blowoff classes or getting Cs or Ds</p>

<p>You are from texas and I don’t know your other stats and essays and ecs and recs … etc.
I wouldn’t say you’re doomed from this but you have given us too little information for us to properly give you a “chance” in the first place.</p>

<p>Honestly, one B minus is not that big a deal.</p>

<p>It will probably hurt your application about as much as your SAT score being decresed by 30 points. It will hurt, but really not that much.</p>

<p>Don’t worry too much about it, besides, if everyone except 2 ppl failed, it obviously must have been a really hard exam.</p>

<p>I’d have to disagree w/ theendusputrid; it will be tantamount to your SAT score’s 1 point maybe. </p>

<p>Think about this: It’s a hard AP class that is outside of your major.</p>

<p>senior year grades (along with junior too I guess) are the most important geades though</p>

<p>I got a 100 on my AP Stat midterm test. Will this hurt my chances?</p>

<p>You mean you didn’t get 110? Don’t bother, you have no chance.</p>

<p>wow seriously a B and you’ve been crying for 2 days?
semester grades are only to make sure your not slacking off so i really don’t think it will affect your decision tremendously</p>

<p>this is ridiculous.</p>

<p>have fun getting B’s in college and crying for many many nights!</p>


Also remember to cry over using correct diction</p>

<p>Would you rather cry when you get a B or when you get rejected from Rice? I think the latter choice would fit EVERYONE interested in Rice</p>

<p>one B and you are crying…</p>

<p>get rejected from a college and see what happens…</p>