In terms of difficulty, how does AP U.S. History compare with A.P. European History?

Does it really just depend on the teacher?
Does one have harder content? or more reading? more challenging AP exam?


IMO, the hardest AP history class is the first one you take, since it’s there that the student is generally first exposed to composing essays using primary sources rather than just regurgitating names and dates. After the first course, the structure of either of the other 2 is pretty much the same, although obviously the content is snot.

Our GC always tells the students that AP Euro is harder because most kids have a foundation of US History from middle school. So, in APUSH, the kids are familiar with the material and, in AP Euro, most of the history is new to them.

In my opinion, Euro’s content is easier because it focuses on a more general region rather than a specific country. That being said, it does depend on the teacher. Also, as skieurope said, it may get hard to any AP history class because the essays are different than those I had to write before.

In APUSH, there are so many really good online resources you can use to study for each test and the AP exam. (Not that I necessarily recommend this, but I didnt feel the need to read the APUSH book, because there were some excellent summaries online). However, in Euro I definitely had to read the chapters. As for the AP exams, I couldn’t tell you. I took the APUSH exam last year and wont take the Euro exam until spring, but the APUSH exam was easier than I expected.

APUSH is definitely more specifics-oriented. Lots of tiny little things you need to remember. AP Euro is the middle ground between APUSH and WHAP: specific, but also covers things in a broad enough scope.
It depends almost wholly on the teacher and your interest in the subject. I’m doing slightly better in AP Euro solely because it’s more interesting than APUSH.

AP Euro was by far the hardest class my daughter ever took.