In terms of just GPA, chance me for any UC

Freshman Year of HS- 4.0 GPA
Sophomore year of HS- 3.9 GPA
Junior Year of HS- 3.88 GPA

If you are really curious, i got an 1130 on my SAT but i will take it again, hopefully for a higher score. I am taking the ACT on February 10th. What UCs, if any, do I have a chance for so far?

i’d say you have a chance at Merced, Riverside, Santa Cruz

Recalculate that into UC GPA.

^ Above a 3.75 you have a solid chance anywhere just based on GPA. But it’s obviously not just based on GPA, so this question is kind of silly.

You are in pretty good shape for UCR and UCM. Another 150 SAT points would help you with UCSC. Take a look at SDSU and other CSUs too.

Calculate your UC GPA capped weighted and fully weighted.

Although GPA focused, test scores, essays, HS course rigor and EC’s will all contribute to your chances.

Agree with above posters, your target UC’s are Riverside and Merced. Possibly USC and intended major will impact your chances.

Capped weighted UC GPA
Freshman admit rates for UC GPA of 3.40-3.79:

UCB: 1.8%
UCLA: 2.2%
UCSD: 7.2%
UCSB: 10.1%
UCI: 11.1%
UCD: 16.6%
UCSC: 43.8%
UCR: 63.3%
UCM: 88.7%

Freshman admit rates for UC GPA of 3.80-4.19:

UCB: 12.6%
UCLA: 11.7%
UCSD: 38.7%
UCSB: 53.6%
UCD: 56.5%
UCI: 52.1%
UCSC: 75.7%
UCR: 90.1%
UCM: 96.1%

Freshman admit rates for UC GPA of 4.20 or above:

UCB: 42.7%
UCLA: 47.2%
UCSD: 84.2%
UCSB: 82.0%
UCD: 90.3%
UCI: 94.1%
UCSC: 92.7%
UCR: 97.5
UCM: 98.1%

25th - 75th percentiles for SAT:

UCB: 1280-1490

UCLA: 1280-1500
UCSD: 1250-1470
UCSB: 1210- 1450
UCD: 1190-1430
UCI: 1190-1420
UCSC: 1170-1380
UCR: 1090-1310
UCM: 1020-1230