<p>I'm a junior taking three subject tests in June, and I was wondering if there was a strict order you must take (i.e. Math always goes first) or if I could choose the order in which I could take the 3.</p>
<p>Which order should I take these tests?</p>
<li><p>Mathematics Level 2: pretty confident about this one (~ 700+), but I'm only a junior so I haven't had any Calculus yet. I have had Honors Pre-Calculus and AP Statistics (~ 5), however. I scored in the upper 700s in Mathematics Level 1</p></li>
<li><p>United States History: also pretty confident (~ 700+). I felt good about the AP test I gave (~ 5).</p></li>
<li><p>Chemistry: by far my weakest. I took AP Chemistry this year and the program is very weak. No one has passed the exam so far. I'm looking to be the first student to pass (~ 3). I'm begging for a 600 on this one.</p></li>
<p>I don’t think there is a specific order.</p>
<p>As for order, I’d say take the chemistry last. Just an opinion, though.</p>
<p>You don’t need AP Calculus for Math 2, just Pre-Calculus will suffice. And you can take them in any order you want, but if you’re looking for recommendation, here’s my two cents:</p>
<p>Take one of the tests that you feel confident about first for self-motivation, then take Chemistry and wrap it up with the other easy test to feel better when you leave the test centre
<p>so either Math 2-Chemistry-US History or US History-Chemistry-Math 2.</p>
<p>Great advice both of you, thanks so much!</p>
<p>Any other opinions? </p>
<p>I, in all honesty, would have loved to take these exams individually at separate times, but I had other tests to take, and I need these scores soon for various reasons. I may end up retaking the tests after the summer if the scores are not pleasing for college admissions’ sake, but knowledge will be less fresh, so we’ll see.</p>
<p>Which subject “taxes your brain more”…Math 2 or USH?<br>
I would take the one that taxes my brain more (and where you would need the most concentration) first and I would take chem last. Thus if USH taxes your brain more, take USH, Math2, chem. Since you are weakest at chem, you should take it last so that you don’t spend any of your other testing time fretting about what mistakes you made in chem.</p>
<p>BTW, it’s usually unnecessary to take both Math 1 and Math 2. Math 2 is the better one to take.</p>
<p>“Since you are weakest at chem, you should take it last so that you don’t spend any of your other testing time fretting about what mistakes you made in chem.”</p>
<p>Yep, this is my reasoning as well.</p>
<p>Great suggestions! I was thinking Math II/USH/Chem or USH/Math II/Chem as well.</p>
<p>Any other suggestions? Bumping…</p>