<p>Trying to figure out what classes I want to take for next year, and I'm in a dilemma. </p>
<p>So far I have chosen to take:</p>
<li>AP English</li>
<li>AP US History</li>
<li>AP Chemistry</li>
<li>AP Calculus BC (wondering if this is a really bad idea, lol)</li>
<li>AP Studio Art (for sureee. <3)</li>
<li>PAP Spanish IV</li>
<p>Now I have two more classes I can take.. but I don't know which. My first choices would be</p>
<li>AP Stats</li>
<li>AP Psychology</li>
<p>But I also need to take PAP physics, so I planned take that senior year. My friend pointed out the cons, and now I'm wondering if I should take PAP physics in next year... and then I also want to take AP Art History, which I think I'll enjoy greatly. I've heard that AP Art History is easy to get a good grade in, but the AP scores aren't too hot.</p>
<p>I have two slots left, but I need to choose amongst:</p>
<p>AP Psychology
AP Art History
AP Stats
...possibly PAP Physics. Do you think it would look bad if I didn't take AP Physics senior year?</p>
<p>So please help me, experienced ones! I would absolutely love opinions, stories and suggestions. What you do, what you learn... how difficult it is/etc. Maybe tell me I'm making a huge mistake by taking blah-blah-blah. Too many AP courses do you think? I don't know. Just ANYthing would be great. Thank you!</p>
<p>I think that you are taking too many AP courses in one year - but hey only you know what you are capable of! Just don’t let your grades slip.
I have heard that these 2 AP’s are easy:
AP Psych
AP Stats
Also I heard that AP Enviro was easy too.
Good luck!</p>
<p>I am currently in the midst of scheduling season, too, and I am also leaning toward an AP-heavy courseload for next year. Good luck!</p>
<p>I am currently in AP Calc AB, but my high school is unique in that AB is a prerequisite for BC. Even preceded by a full year of AP-level Calculus, I know that the BC students still struggle immensely and so my suggestion would be to drop into a lower level like AB or Honors unless you are a very gifted math student.</p>
<p>As for AP English, the intensity of the course really depends on whether you are referring to Literature & Composition or Language & Composition; I think they are both doable, but Lang requires more of a time commitment because it is a more structured, less common-sense-oriented course.</p>
<p>So, my suggestion would be to drop into a different level of Calc so as not to completely overwhelm yourself, and fill your remaining two spots with pre-AP Physics (so you’ll have the option to take AP Physics as a senior if a year from now that turns out to be what you want) and AP Psychology. (Because you already have a class to fill each of the 5 main academic areas of English-Math-Science-Foreign Language-History, Psych is a good choice for an interesting elective course which will nevertheless appear rigorous on a college application.)</p>
<p>I hope this helps! And of course, I am by no means fully qualified to make your decision- class size, teacher, interest level and other factors should obviously contribute to your final choice, as well! Also keep in my that you can present an equally competitive transcript even if you eliminate an AP from your proposed schedule; I personally think you would be more content that way, but to each his own. Chem would probably be a good class to leave for your senior year or delete altogether; Physics would still fill the role of a science course and you would then have more time to dedicate to keeping your other grades up as Chem is known to be among the most challenging of the AP classes.</p>
<p>Thank you both for the feedback!</p>
<p>Yeah, I’m still undecided about that. I think I might talk with the teachers. I have a feeling they will push for BC Calculus… but it sounds scary, haha. I think the English is Literature & Composition. I haven’t heard complaints about the class from the upperclassmen so it shouldn’t be too hard. </p>
<p>I see. So none of the ones I’m choosing from should be amazingly hard… I think I will take Pre-AP Physics for sure now, that makes sense. I won’t completely be killed. I heard psych was pretty fun, but I’ve always felt that I enjoyed math a bit more so I still don’t know… ah confusing. </p>
<p>Thank you again!
It helped a lot.</p>