Including a Picture in my Essay?

<p>For my Columbia essay, can I include a picture in it? The picture is a big part of my essay and it can be pasted into the word document.</p>

<p>In theory, you could, I suppose. If I were writing it, I would try to ‘tell,’ instead of ‘show.’ If you have the writing ability, it could potentially be much more impressive to describe the picture in detail. It will reveal more about how you, yourself, feel about whatever the picture is.</p>

<p>You’ve answered your own question. If the picture is a big part of your essay, it wouldn’t make sense to submit an essay that’s lacking that significant detail would it?</p>

<p>I submitted a picture in my creative writing supplement without thinking twice.</p>

<p>Thank you, sir.</p>

<p>Columbia’s app includes a photo submission (its supposed to be a picture of you, but I know plenty of people who submitted some pretty random photos/videos/other off-the-wall media in that spot. Apparently that worked for them), so maybe you could submit it there? It might be an interesting way to tie together your whole application</p>

<p>I included a picture in my essay. I was describing something visual, so it made sense to show instead of tell (which is also the advice typically given to writers, though not the same context). Anyway, use your judgement; it made my essay clearer and shorter. They accepted me, for whatever that’s worth. (Sidenote: for the photo upload I just uploaded a normal picture of myself.)</p>