Including an extra video in application

I have my standard two letters of recommendation from teachers ready to go, but I also have a video from an academic awards ceremony where three separate teachers (one of them is one of the rec letter writers) say positive things about me that all shine a different perspective on my application. Can/should I upload a clip compilation of this video to the common app or is that overkill?

The statements are relatively brief btw, maybe about a minute each

A minute each (x3) to someone who is already overloaded with applications to read is not brief.

So a few questions:

  1. Does the school even offer an opportunity for an extra “supplement”?

  2. Will this improve your application? In other words, if the letter are already showing you in a positive light, is more needed?

I would lean against submitting - but I can understand why you’d want to.

It won’t - one way or the other - overcome stats, the other LORs, essays, etc.

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Unless the school states that they accept supplemental materials, it is very unlikely that anyone is going to watch it. If, however, they say that they welcome additional materials, then might be OK if it adds something more to your application than the LOCs already cover,


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