<p>Hi everyone, I was wondering if I should include the fact that my father never attended college and my mom only has an associates degree and how i hope that by attending a 4 yr unviersity I will be able to succeed despite my socioeconomic background....</p>
<p>im having mixed feelings about including it because I feel like it'll be redundant since the common app already asks for parent education level. I don't want to overdo it. </p>
<p>any ideas on how to present the issue or if i shoudl even present it?</p>
<p>I have a friend who’s doing grad school applications and potentially mentioning something like this. I think it is good to mention in a casual way, but not to make a huge deal out of it. </p>
<p>You should make it clear why you’re including it though. I.e. “As I’ve indicated, my background blah blah…” Then say why it matters.</p>