<p>I read a post here on CC (can't find it anymore) that said Yalies are the most financially successful graduates on the job market, followed by Harvard, Princeton, Dartmouth, and William & Mary. Does anyone know about this or have the real figures? I'm just curious because I didn't think Yale was a big I-Banking school or anything like that... thanks in advance for the help.</p>
<p>There are many much more ways to become wealthy than being in ib, my friend :D.</p>
<p>There are definitely people who intend to be i-bankers. I have no idea if yalies are the most financially successful, but i think that would be kind of hard to assess.</p>
<p>Maybe the way Yale attracts and fosters very social talent results in graduates with better skills for finding and being well received in the job market? Also, what with the emphasis on career consulting services -- I wouldn't be surprised if this salary rumor turned out to be true.</p>
<p>That's a good point... Yalies have the social skills to succeed! I keep trying to find the post I saw, but so far my search has turned up nothing...</p>
<p>lol wait... I'm 100% sure there has never been a ranking based on average salaries for school-specific graduates... and there never will be.</p>
<p>There's a couple of reasons for this:</p>
<li>It depends on the job</li>
<li>Many graduates, especially from Ivies move on to graduate schools (income = 0)</li>
<li>There's been a very famously cited Princeton study that STATISTICALLY PROVES that the average salary of the Ivy League graduate and the average salary of the state-school grad that had a chance to go to an Ivy makes over the course of a lifetime the same salary.</li>
<p>Point?: There's no causal relationship between the school you graduate from and starting salary. (i.e. it depends much more on personal ambitions, qualifications)</p>
<p>In terms of investment banking (often viewed as one of the most prestigious jobs available to a recent grad), Yale is definitely a target school, but you're right-- it's not as "prestigious" as Harvard, Wharton, and even Princeton in that area. It's more on par with MIT, Dartmouth, Columbia (all of who recruit amazingly as well).</p>
There's been a very famously cited Princeton study that STATISTICALLY PROVES that the average salary of the Ivy League graduate and the average salary of the state-school grad that had a chance to go to an Ivy makes over the course of a lifetime the same salary.
<p>There are a lot of criticisms of that study. You can find some of the disagreements in a good article from The Atlantic magazine </p>
<p>Who</a> Needs Harvard? </p>
<p>and this significant reminder of what the Krueger and Dale study REALLY concluded: </p>
<p>True. Your income depends entirely on you. People of an ivy-league calibre will get more income over the course of a lifetime on average because those people tend to have a better mix of intelligence and work-ethic than your average state school student.</p>
<p>Speaking of investment banking, what a profession, especially these days. I certainly wouldn’t like to be an ibanker today.</p>
<p>I don’t see why people work so hard to become one anyways, they max out at what…$200,000k on average? 300k? There are better ways to become financially successful than managing and losing people’s money.</p>
<p>This article ([Which</a> College Grads Earn the Most? - BusinessWeek](<a href=“http://www.businessweek.com/lifestyle/content/aug2008/bw2008087_013640.htm]Which”>http://www.businessweek.com/lifestyle/content/aug2008/bw2008087_013640.htm)) says that in midcareer, Yale graduates earn the most out of all other university graduates, but they are ranked 19th best in starting salaries.</p>
<p>Why don’t you ask a Yale graduate who’s working for Teach for America or a National Institute for Children with Disabilities how much are they making?</p>
<p>^^ Nightsd, top ibankers can make seven-figures consistently. The very best make enough in one year to live off of for the rest of their lives. The ceiling is much higher than 300k.</p>
<p>I said the average ibanker averages out at 300k, I’m not talking about the best ibankers. Your average surgeon from less prestigious institutions will make more money.</p>