In the following example, the dependent student has $3,200 of earned income and $15,000 of taxable scholarship income. The MFJ parents have no other students in college and have taxable income of $70,000. The MFJ 15% tax bracket goes up to $74,900, and then 25% from $74,901 to $151,200.
It is important to note that the scholarship income of $15,000 is considered earned income when calculating the standard deduction but unearned income when preparing Form 8615.
Form 1040:
Income from Wages $3,200
Income from Scholarship $15,000
AGI $18,200
Less: Standard Deduction ($6,300)
Taxable Income $11,900
Form 8615:
Unearned Income $15,000
Less: Allowed Unearned Income ($2,100)
Net Unearned Income $12,900
Taxable Income from Form 1040 $11,900
Lesser of Net Unearned Income or Taxable Income $11,900
**Conclusion: Taxable Income of $11,900 consists of $11,900 unearned income taxed at parents’ rate.
Child owes [($4,900 * 15%) + ($7,000 * 25%) =] $2,485* tax on $11,900 scholarship income.
*Confirmed with tax preparation software (tax software calculated $2,488).