Incoming Fresh: getting class schedule

When and how do new fresh students to NB SAS get their schedule of classes. Of course it’s all online and I know of the add/drop week, but how and when do I get the initial course selections, the sections to see my daily routine and campus shuttling between classes?

In May at the APA(academic planing and advising) day. After the placement testing is done. All this info comes later through the enrollment pathway after you accept admission or if you go to the admitted student open house during april

After you accept admission, you will pick a day for placement testing. Then you go to APA day and they will give you a form with class choices. There will be different days for different colleges/majors. You will pick your classes on that form (some require a back up choice) and submit that.

Sometime in August, you should receive your schedule. You will be able to do a test run of your schedule during orientation days using the buses.

You will be able to add drop when that opens up, but it may not be that easy to change much as popular sections/classes fill up. (Keep looking though.)

If there is a big problem with your schedule, you should call your advisor/dean/registrar to discuss the problem.

Can freshman pick their course/time schedule for the first semester? I will be commuting and would want to schedule classes together if I can

Initially, freshmen cannot pick their course/time schedule. That is determined by the school. However, once school starts, you have a week or two during the add/drop period to change it to what is convenient for you (Depending on what is open of course)

Sorry I wasn’t clear: the registrar will schedule you based on your first choices and backup choices, whichever is available. You can try adjusting it later during add/drop.