Incoming Freshman Psychology Major/Pre-Med Studies

<p>In High School I took AP Chemistry, and feel I have a decent understanding of the subject. I already attended SOAR, and I am still undecided on whether I should take Chem 109/329 or Chem 103/104. Any recommendations on which will be the easier A. I really want to attend medical school so a high GPA is a must.</p>

<p>If you aren’t planning to major in chemistry, take 103/104. Pre-meds need general chem and o-chem. Chem 109 essentially combines 103 & 104 into one semester–it is intense–and taking Chem 329 (which is an analytical chem course) doesn’t help you. Err–it doesn’t help you get into med school, anyways.</p>

<p>I took 103/104 back when I was thinking about majoring in chem. It’ll definitely keep you busy and it’s not too easy. 109 is even harder, and is typically taken by chem and chemE majors. Even biochem majors typically go with 103/104. I had no problem with o-chem the following year, so taking 103/104 won’t put you behind.</p>

<p>BTW, I’m sure someone will put up the stats for course grade distributions because Chem 109 kids get a slightly nicer curve (~35% A instead of ~25%). I’ve studied with some of the 109 guys; it’s a different caliber of students and work.</p>

<p>Physician, old UW chemistry major here. Yes, you need the gpa for medical school but you also need to challenge yourself as much as you can and get used to doing well with tough courses/heavy loads. If you like chemistry go for 109. You can get more out of the course and enjoy it. The top hard core chemistry majors would be in 115. Can you get Honors credit? Try to do so whenever you can- for better courses, looks good on the transcript. You need to approach the premed intention as a wish to learn as much as you can for the rest of your life, with an emphasis on the human body eventually. Those who concentrate on the easiest way to a top gpa are missing the point of the undergrad education. The grades will come if you relax about them and concentrate on learning the material in your classes.</p>

<p>I agree with wis75 that you want to maximize your learning/experience at UW, but not everyone is good at everything. As someone considering psych, I didn’t think chemistry was necessarily a passion or a strong suit of yours. Chem 109/115 could be big mistakes for someone who needs to work through the chemistry concepts–like Physics, Chemistry is very conceptual but unlike Physics it’s also detailed, requiring a lot of effort to truly understand. Someone who crams 103/104 into a semester (i.e. takes 109) could arguably learn less if the course work overwhelms him/her.</p>

<p>Of course, if Chemistry is your second passion and you just didn’t mention it, take 109 (or 115 even). But otherwise, try to max out in the areas you care about… Since psychology is your passion, take honors psych for the 202/210/225 sequence (they have different numbers for the honors sequence, you should ask about it at SOAR). </p>

<p>You don’t want to regret taking classes that are too easy, but make sure your hardest classes are in the most interesting fields–which is a subjective measure.</p>

<p>EDIT: I just want to add that Chem 103/104 isn’t a joke. The arts/humanities majors that just want a taste of chemistry usually take 108, so you don’t usually have any students trying to fulfill basic science requirements. Many people who take 103/104 continue on into higher chem classes.</p>

<p>they decided on the class for the chem 115/116 sequence already… so you can’t take it this year. it was by invitation and application only. there’s no curve, if i’m not mistaken, and about 50% get A :D</p>