Incoming freshman questions

<p>Hello everyone! First off, I would like to thank everyone who posted information about Bama on this forum. It has really helped me with my college search. I am a high school senior from the northeast and pretty much am going to Bama in the fall. I just wanted to ask a few questions and get some opinions. A little info about me, so you get a feel of the kind of person I am. I am a male, big time sports fan and plan on playing a lot of intramural sports. I do not think I will be joining a fraternity and not in honors. Thank you in advance.</p>

<p>How does the greek scene at auburn and bama compare? I know people from my hometown that attend auburn and love it. They are not in a fraternity, but still have a great time just being themselves.</p>

<p>How is Bama’s reputation outside of the southeast? I will be studying something in the business field and after I graduate I plan on moving back home and working in NYC. Do you think I will be able to get a job up north or do people just view Bama as a football school?</p>

<p>Does Bama have a family feel? Every time there is an argument between Auburn and Bama the Auburn person seems to always say come here because we are a “family”. Do Auburn fans just say this or do they really have a special “family” feel that big time schools like Bama, Penn State, Ohio State, and others don’t have?</p>

<p>Roll Tide</p>

<p>auburn is a cult. I’d steer clear of anyone associated with them like I would scientologists (don’t sue me L Ron) :-)</p>

<p>UA has a very active and popular greek system. If you don’t join one, you’ll need to know a few actives to be able to get invited to some of their parties. </p>

<p>Intramurals are big at UA and are a great way to meet people, stay in shape, and enjoy the sports you grew up playing. Just about any sport you can imagine, UA has an intramural league for it.</p>

<p>UA has an ad that says “at other places they play football, at Alabama we live it”. Well the same ad can be said in regards to “family”. auburn SAYS they are a family, Alabama lives it. A sampling of that family atmosphere can be witnessed on this very board.</p>

<p>Roll Tide!!</p>

<p>NJ Bama…gotta tell you that my DH, my DD and myself so enjoy your postings!!! that being said your words ring true and we all share the hate of Auburn and the love of Bama. As you know from my posting DD is Greek and we have been very happy with the Greek system. That being said: Bama 2015…you will find that the Alabama campus does most definitely have a “family” feel. It is a great place!</p>

<p>Thanks ahpimommy, I enjoy your posts as well! It’s great hearing that your daughter is enjoying and thriving at UA and in the greek system. And it’s even better knowing ya’ll share my hatred of that cow college :slight_smile: </p>

<p>Did I read in one of your posts that your daughter’s boyfriend will be pledging Beta? One of my lil bro’s roommates is a Beta. Real nice kid and my brother says they’re a great group of guys, as he’s been to a few of their parties.</p>

<p>Roll Tide!!</p>

<p>I’m sure that both schools can say that they provide a “family feel”…I’m not going to argue that, nor am I going to tear down Auburn’s ability to do so as well. I have never liked this implication that one school is a “family” and one school is not. I think that the southern way is to make people feel like family and southern schools do that very well. </p>

<p>That said, Bama is a very friendly and loving school. The profs are very “student oriented” and do get to know their students. The Business School at Bama is well-respected and its graduates do get jobs. Bama has a very good reputation for job placement. Since Bama grads are employed by national companies there should be no problem with you getting a job in another state. :)</p>

<p>You do NOT have to “go greek” to have a good time at Bama. My boys have not pledged and have many friends and belong to several clubs/associations.</p>

<p>Where will you be dorming? I think that choice can make a difference since some dorm have more Greeks in them than others (this is true for all schools, not just Bama). Greeks tend to dorm in the halls that are closest to their Greek houses, so if you’re not going to pledge, then choose a dorm that is on the north side of campus (someone else can probably recommend some dorms on the south side that have less Greeks.)</p>

<p>I also think that the City of Tuscaloosa offers a LOT more than the other school’s city. More things to do, more off-campus places to go, eat, shop, etc. Tuscaloosa is much larger and not rural, yet it still has many sources of natural beauty, such as the Black Warrior River. The RiverWalk provides a nice place to enjoy that beauty while walking, biking, whatever. </p>

<p>Bama also offers a LOT more campus housing, which is also a big plus.</p>

<p>(And since you’re into sports…well, Bama is just going to kick hiney all over the place during your college years…so go with the school that will have the highly ranked teams)</p>

<p>Welcome to Bama!!!</p>

<p>UA is so large now that being greek does not dominate the campus as it once did. If you are truly interested in Business, UA is by far the place to go when compared to auburn. I have several friends that I knew at UA who are wokring on Wall Street.</p>

<p>As far as this “all in” “family” crap that they keep spewing. You know, some families end up on Jerry Springer! If you’ve been following the Cam Newton/4 AU players who got arrested/ 4 players who have said they were paid, their family is definitely Jerry Springer material.</p>

<p>lol, AMEN crimsondude. And since half their student housing is a trailer park the Springer analogy is right on point.</p>

<p>Mom, </p>

<p>I totally agree with what you had to say about this “family” concept. Both schools have friendly campuses, and the insinuation that AU is THE “family” school is hogwash. If “family” however, is more about a feeling of being the little disrespected stepchild, then yes, AU is more “family” centered than UA.</p>

<p>While one should not necessarily equate family love with monetary largess, but if you do…the Alabama Alumni Association is a bit more generous, both in definition of legacy and scope of scholarships offered. :-)</p>