<p>Hey Everyone Im not sure If there is already another post about meeting up...if so, I couldnt find it...but I wanted to set up like a place and time where we could all meet up maybe at orientation or first week of school at UCSB since I for one have only met a few people at UCSB at their Spring Insight and thought it would be really awesome to meet up. So let me know what you guys think and maybe we can meet some new friends in the process.</p>
<p>-Austin (Transfer Fall 2010)
Business Economics</p>
<p>I’m down.</p>
<li>Vito (Freshman fall 2010)
Computer Science</li>
<p>Well for orientation that would require that we all go on the same date…but first week of school sounds good I’m down for that.</p>
<p>-Rossen (Freshman)
<p>If I do end up going to SB, I’m down.</p>
<p>-Kenny (frosh fall 2010)
Undeclared. :P</p>
<p>Awesome, yeah Im thinking more of the first week of school because orientation seems like its just going to be crazy! </p>
<p>@Hairy Lemon- Same here Transfer dont recieve their decisions to late April so im still waiting too on other UC’s so far Ive only heard back from UCSB and when I visited there it was so chill everything about it.</p>
<p>Uh Austin,</p>
<p>I am an incoming freshmen lol.
<p>And sorry I forgot to mention–I did get into UCSB. But I also got into UCD.</p>
<p>And I’m still deciding between SB or Davis. . . .hard choice! :o.</p>
<p>Haha oh didnt even see you put frosh before. Just wondering why Davis? Do you live closer…or is it something else?</p>
<p>No, Davis is much, much farther away from my home lol.</p>
<p>But, it offers a landscape architect major (something I am really interested in pursuing), there is a MASSIVE number of volumes directly accessible in the library, and it is more academically prestigious than SB. Plus, Silicon Valley, and Sacramento are near. . . .</p>
<p>But for SB, I heard SB offers a very strong Communications program, has the CCS, NICE weather and location, and is perhaps less competitive (which I want, so that life isn’t soo cutthroat. . .), and is within drivable proximity of my home and is near Los Angeles. </p>
<p>hard choices, hard choices. . . . :P</p>
<p>down too lol</p>
<p>jackie- freshman
<p>andrew- transfer
<p>for other transfers… where you going to live? on or off campus is the q, i want to live on dp, but its kinda hard to check places out when im 400 miles away</p>
<p>Hey Andrew, Im a transfer as well and from what I understand is that transfer choose from two dorms either the San Rafael or Manzanita Dorms. Both from what I heard are really nice especially since theyre right off the ocean but when I visited the campus they wouldnt let you see the dorms in person, so I was only able to see apartments in IV that were called Tropicana Gardens and I forgot the other one i think it was Fountain Bleu but the Trop was pretty nice its more expensive than the dorms but you also have unlimited food when the dorms only have I think 3 meals a day so it all comes down to your preferences…Im sure theres somewhere on the website where you can see examples of the rooms. Hope that helps.</p>
<p>^ there are also campus owned appartments all down el colegio. from the site, i like el dorado. ill check out san raf and manzanita, but i dont know if i want to live in an actual dorm… i like to cook, i mean im 21 years old haha… would kinda suck to live in a dorm with no kitchen, tiny and all.</p>
<p>I’m up for this.</p>
(Electrical Engineering - Freshman Fall 2010)</p>
<p>Where and when exactly will this be going down?</p>
<p>first week of school definately =D
count me in</p>
<li>Lita (Fall frosh 2010)
<p>I haven’t decided where I am going yet but if I choose UCSB I’m in</p>
<p>Alyssa - Transfer
Film & Media Studies</p>
<p>Edit: Friend requested me not to post.</p>
<p>@ajdavidson- Im pretty sure the dorms have like a stove in the room…but like you said Its pretty tiny lol but I havent heard of el dorado…do you know how far it is from campus because it sounds pretty nice. I might look into it…The Tropicana Gardens apartments that i visited were pretty nice but they had no kitchen at all but they do have unlimited food. lol</p>
<p>@snowspider- Im thinking definitely the first week of school and storke tower? That way nobody can miss it. lol Sound good?</p>
I think the stroke tower is a great place to have it.</p>
<p>Will it be after move-in day?</p>
<p>@Mancini -Thanks. I found another post of people trying to do the same thing but everyone was just saying who they were and what their major is but nothing specifc about actually meeting up so I definitely think that would be a good place because its practically impossible to miss. lol</p>
<p>and Yes. I think after move-in day would be the best time because things will start settlin down a bit so it will definitely be a better time to all meet up and get to know each other.</p>