Incoming Student Placement Testing Questions

<p>Hi all, much to my dismay I did not perform as well as I thought I did on the mathematics section on the placement testing for UW-Madison. I attended a business school meeting for admitted freshman and heard that a prerequisite for applying to the school of business is passing calculus. Now my placement testing results say "Math 112 (Followed by Math 113 for Calculus 221)." To my understanding, this means that if I wanted to take calc 221 I have to take both Math 112 and Math 113. But, I would much rather prefer to take any calc class below 221, so does this mean I can take Math 112 first semester then take a Calc class lower than 221 second semester to fulfill the prerequisite for calc? I'm scared because if I have to take both Math 112 and Math 113 to take a calc class then I won't be able to apply to the school of business after my freshman year. Thanks!</p>

<p>Do you live in/near Madison? Could you take Math 112 over the summer, then Math 113 in fall, and Math 211 (calculus) in Spring 2013?</p>

<p>The business school only admits students once a year, so you are right, if you don’t fulfill the prerequisites within your first two semesters, you can’t apply until April 1, 2014 for Fall 2014 admission.</p>

<p>Link to UW Madison Math Placement Algorithm:</p>

<p><a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>Mstram12: were you really close to the cutoffs?</p>