<p>Did anyone else get an email today about Rice increasing their no loan program. It said something to the effect of due to the economic times, if your income is less than 80K (was previously 60k) then you will have all of your need met without any loans.</p>
<p>Thanks Pyles_m, this is a great new for us, hope we all get accepted</p>
<p>Seriously Rice should’ve decided this earlier in the summer i believe. If Rice had announced such a financial aide plan, I would have applied ED…</p>
<p>Lol, like they knew this sort of recession was coming way back in August. Don’t worry about it, ED v. RD isn’t that big of a deal.</p>
<p>Also, hell yes for huge endowments.
(that’s what she said)</p>
<p>Touche… Hahaha, that was amazing.</p>
<p>In my information session they did say if you make less than $80,000 you will have no loans. Also, they said that if you do have loans they will cap it at $10,000 (I believe they said that last year it was something around $12,000-$15,000. I can’t exactly remember.)</p>
<p>Also, 30% of the incoming freshman class will be receiving merit aid.</p>
<p>Here is a link to their new policy:</p>
<p>[Financial</a> Aid at Rice University](<a href=“http://financialaid.rice.edu/]Financial”>http://financialaid.rice.edu/)</p>