Increasing my scores or getting into UF?

so i currently took the ACT as my first time. I was expecting to get a low 20 or possibly a 19. Well i ended up getting a 17 and im not very fond of my score to any extent. getting into college is worrying me a lot and i want to get into UF. My GPA is not the best and i know i need to step up my game on my scores. My goal is to get a high 20 or possibly 30 on the next act im taking in March. I am the type of person who will strive for perfection and i will try my hardest to get the desired scores that i want. i know of people getting into UF with 2.8 GPA’s and im very surprised, but if someone with a 2.8 GPA can get accepted into UF then i should be able to as well. I was just wondering if you guys had any tips or suggestions about increasing my scores or getting into UF? Thanks.

Get the red book and take the official practice tests. Find out what you get wrong and try to reason out why.

The best way to improve your score is to practice. However, given your 17, it would probably also help if you got a review book and reviewed the topics that are tested (if you get the Official ACT Red Book, that would be fine).