"Indicate any special talents or skills that you possess" as an essay prompt?

Is that an essay prompt, or are you supposed to just list things in short sentences? I wrote about 300 words in essay format, but now I worry this isn’t even supposed to be an essay response? what has everyone else done?

Hey nervousfreshie, I interpreted that section as another essay spot. I had been looking around on these forums and a few others and saw that most people chose to respond as a short essay. I personally wrote about five fairly lengthy paragraphs on areas that were not represented at all in the rest of my app. (I guess it worked, got in EA) I’m pretty sure they won’t count format or length against you, since they do not give any other formatting recommendations. Good luck. I’m curious to know what others did for this section.

@glacialdiplomat Yeah i wrote an essay response as well! wish me luck D:

I just did a bullet point list of like three/four skills. Got in EA as well, so I think you’re fine.

S wrote down “none”. He felt the rest of his application did a good job of showing who he was. He was accepted EA.

I wrote a very embarrassing 3 short paragraph response. First was okay with like legit things. Photography lol. Second paragraph was umm with my ability to marathon t.v. Shows. Third paragraph was just weird lol. I said that I could make watermelons explode with only rubber bands… I got in Ea :slight_smile: it was written more eloquently though lol

WOW you guys!! I’m so nervous! It seems like they have already accepted most of the class through EA?

Nope. I wouldn’t worry about that.
"Deacon said that the admissions committee reserved more space than usual for regular decision applicants, whose submissions are due Jan. 10. The admissions office expects approximately 500 of the admitted early action students to enroll at Georgetown by the May 1 deadline, comprising a little less than one-third of the Class of 2019.

“The admissions committees chose to accept fewer this time around even though the pool was the same, largely because there is this idea that we want to make sure we have enough room for the good candidates in April,” Deacon said. “Nationally, that’s going the other direction, where places like [the University of Pennsylvania] are taking 56 percent of their class early. … There’s a tendency of colleges to lock in early decision candidates.”

Deacon also explained that Georgetown generally limits the number of early acceptances because the pool for early admissions includes more students with privileged access to application resources than the regular decision pool.

“Early tends to favor the advantaged. Fewer minorities apply early, fewer first-generation kids apply early, fewer kids from the center of the country apply early. So the idea is when you take a lot of early [applications], you’re favoring people who are ahead of the game,” he said.
Link to article: http://www.thehoya.com/early-admissions-rate-falls-slightly-to-13/

oh wow… the more articles I read about gtown… the more I’m starting to love the school! they have thought everything out so nicely and they seem so grounded! ahhh praying I’ll get in D: thanks for the link @dragon97

I just wrote four sentences, and I got in EA.

Know of at least 3 students who got in EA who wrote a few short bullet points.