indirect vs direct nursing

Could someone please explain the difference to me?

I’m guessing you mean “direct admit” vs non direct-admit programs. I’ve never heard of indirect. In a direct-admit program as a frosh you apply and are accepted into a program that will lead to a BSN degree. As with other majors they may have a minimum gpa to stay in the program and minimum progress requirements towards your degree. But the gist of the matter is that if you satisfy these (often not too rigorous, if they exist at all) rules then you will end up with a BSN degree.

For programs that are not direct-admit you tell the college that you are interested in a BSN degree but when you are admitted as an undergrad there is no guarantee that you will be admitted into the major. Often you have to take 2 years of prep classes and then towards the end of the 2nd year apply for the major. If they have 50 spaces then they take the top 50; there is no way to what the cutoff will be in advance. If you don’t get in your options are to change your major or transfer. The consequences of a somewhat bad semester can be devastating in terms of your candidacy, while in a direct admit program it usually doesn’t have the same effect. So its a lot harder road then direct admit where unless you really screw up you know you will end up with a BSN.

You should strongly prefer a direct admit program, IMHO.

yes thats what i meant! ive heard many people say indirect nursing so i just assumed that was the right term.Thank you!

direct admit is 1000000x more desirable! (not literally of course)
if you get in your job is to maintain your GPA and pass the boards!