Info needed on summer (leap) program

<p>Hi all, my daughter was accepted at UP this past sat however it was for SUMMER 09.
They describe the LEAP program somewhat and told her additional info on the leap program would come in FEB. I did read that they take 2 courses during the summer. One is an English related required corse, and another of which they have (at least some) choice. The acceptance letter didn't say anything at all about why she was in the leap program.</p>

<p>So my question to all of you is how and when do they take people for the summer versus regular fall admission ? IS it for students on the bubble that they want to be sure all goes well in Sept ? Or since it's an big extra $$ thing for credits etc, is this just another clever way for PSU to make extra cash ? (My son got in 2 years ago with Sept admission and no summer requirement)</p>

<p>Just wondering what exactly is up with this ?
Thanks much and good luck for those still waiting.</p>

<p>Your daughter was accepted into PSU UP starting with the summer session semester. Summer LEAP is a program for PSU freshmen who most of which are borderline candidates for general fall admission at UP (not the case all the time, anyone can request to do leap). The rational behind leap is that it gives the students a chance to acclimate to the college life (6 credits/summer semester -> 15-18 credits/reg semester). </p>

<p>Most likely she will take English 15 (freshmen english) and a freshmen seminar or other GenEd.</p>

<p>My S is a freshman at UP who did the LEAP program last summer. He was home with a few of his frat brothers this past weekend and all of them had done the summer program. They all agreed that it was one of the best things they ever could have done. They made friends right away in a smaller setting than when the huge crush comes in the fall, did very well in their 2 courses which was a good way to start with a solid GPA and they all said that they would never regret doing the LEAP program.
My S def was NOT happy about leaving to start school only a few weeks after graduation and was extremely apprehensive about the whole thing and it ended up just being great.
They do take 2 classes, it is a lot of $$$, I agree, but over all…a good start to the PSU life.</p>

<p>She is not automatically in the LEAP program. She will need to register for a specific LEAP section (called a pride) when registration opens. The popular ones fill up quickly. If she doesn’t want to do LEAP (or the prides she wants fill up too quickly) she can just select courses from the general schedule. </p>

<p>The LEAP/summer courses do end up being much more expensive than fall/spring courses, but most kids really enjoy the experience and later are very glad they went in the summer.</p>

<p>just a question on one thing (I am sure this is posted somewhere else, but I figured I would just shoot)…I understand summer semester and leap are two separate things, but from what I have seen from some posters on here, they are saying they got into summer when they did NOT choose it??? Is this just me being confused because they meant LEAP or does Penn state sometimes throw you into summer session without you specifying it on your app? Also is there a typical amount of courses a freshman takes in summer session?</p>

<p>Again, I apologize of these questions ahve already been answered or if my questions are wrong to begin with…just a little confused here thanks.</p>

<p>no no, sometimes they offer summer even if you didnt check the box.
but i am doing the summer semester and was wondering if it would be better to do LEAP or to just pick regular courses…anyone who is familiar with it have any opinons?</p>

<p>where is cwryan1 when you need him!!!</p>

<p>Sorry, some people have class to be at this late, haha. </p>

<p>I am not to sure on the summer semeter thing (I diddn’t attend). From what I have been told from friends (I asked around today), you are admitted to the summer session directly, like thats the stipulation on your agreement you do the LEAP program. You then choose your “pride” based on your major area. Bascially your a group of students that you travel to all your classes together with. If you were just admitted into the fall and want to take sumemr classes at UP then you would register for regular summer classes like a normal sutdent. You are more on your own with this thing (ie: not following a group around).</p>

<p>i kno u need help with your question but how do i post questions of my own???</p>

<p>click new thread on the main page of a particular forum</p>

<p>ok so which do you guys think is better? leap or regular classes?</p>

<p>i got accepted to smeal UP summer 09 today.(i checked summer on my app) i really cant do summer semester, is there anyway i can have them change summer to fall? and whats the date they start summer semester and how long will it take to finish the whole summer semester?</p>

<p>psp-fifa, I think you asked this question enough times already, jeez.</p>

<p>If you do the LEAP program you are taking regular classes. The only difference to regular session is that you are in a large group (Pride) and take a little less than what would be considered a full load of classes. I think you also have other activities planned by the LEAP program.</p>

<p>**Just wanted to correct what I may have said previously. If you were admitted for summer session you can choose whether you want to do Leap or just take regular session classes. Either way, if you were admitted to PSU for the summer you have to go unless you stats are good enough for a direct fall admission</p>

<p>sorry for asking the same question so many times…</p>

<p>but one more question, what date do they start summer? and how long will it take?</p>

<p>[Let</a> me google that for you](<a href=“]Let”></p>

<p>cwryan 1, what is a typical course load for a freshman in regular summer session, as i dont plan on being in LEAP, unless someone can give me some very good reasons other than the easing to college life, which frankly is not a problem for me personally</p>

<p>6 credits/session. Which is normally 2 classes, 3 if you take some kinesiology (gym) classes or a lab.</p>

<p>thanks for that cw</p>

<p>I think you can choose LEAP even if you were admitted for September at UP. My D got her UP fall acceptance this week, like so many others. Inside the package of information was a brochure on LEAP in case she wants to do it. So, I think a Fall admittee can choose either LEAP OR regular summer classes, or neither.</p>

<p>cwryan: I am an old lady, but that’s the funniest link I’ve seen in a long time…how do you do that? I’m dying to give that to my freshman D the next time she asks me a stupid question…</p>