Info on Pennsylvania nursing schools

<p>Hi everyone :)
I'm a senior in high school and I live in California. I'm looking to major in nursing, but I only want to apply to direct-entry programs and California has very few so I've looked out of state. In California I've applied to UCLA and UCI. I also have a backup school but it's 2+2. For out of state, I've done a lot of research and narrowed down my selection based on OOS tuition, since my family will not receive aid and cannot afford anything too pricey. </p>

<p>Pennsylvania has lots of direct entry programs, and I've applied/been accepted to York College of PA, Bloomsburg, and Edinboro. Can anyone give me more information about these schools and their nursing programs? How is the location, reputation, quality of program? Are these good schools? I've done lots of research, but since I live so far away I have not visited yet or know of anyone who has attended these. </p>

<p>Thanks in advance! :)</p>

<p>Well, if climate matters to you, York College, in southcentral PA near the Maryland border, will be the most temperate, Edinboro colder and usually with more snow (lake effect), Bloomsburg somewhere between the other two (climate-wise). York College is in a city, Bloomsburg and Edinboro in small towns (Bloomsburg larger than Edinboro). I know Bloomsburg is associated with Geisinger Hospital, a well-regarded hospital system. I don’t know enough about the three nursing programs to comment on differences. I don’t think any of them have had any difficulty maintaining accreditation. </p>

<p>Thank you! York is at the top of the list right now since they have offered me lots of merit aid.</p>

<p>One of the best things about York is that it is across the street from a large regional hospital. There also is a smaller hospital 15 minutes away. Apparently, some specialized clinicals are also done at the Milton Hershey Medical Center, which is one of the largest hospitals in PA. It is a pleasant campus with lots of on-campus housing and a first class gym. The city has a full range of businesses within 15 minutes of the campus. The college is on the border of the city. They do use some part-time adjunct profs. There are about 1 million people within 45 minutes. Baltimore is about one hour to the south. 30 minutes away, Lancaster has Amtrak service, which connects to Pittsburgh, Philadelphia and NYC. </p>

<p>York’s nursing building was renovated and expanded 2 years ago. It is close to most of the upper class housing. If you wait too late to accept an offer of admission from York, you may get deferred to the 4.5 year long program, instead of the 4 year program. As of 2 years ago, most of the deposit was refundable if you change your mind before May 1.</p>

<p>Edinboro is in a more isolated location.</p>

<p>Bloomsburg has an interesting downtown next to campus. There has been an on-campus housing shortage, leading to many triples in the dorms. As noted above, there is a very large regional hospital 15 minutes away from Bloomsburg. </p>

<p>@Charliesch‌ wow, thank you so much for the info! I have already put my deposit down for York so I do not get deferred to the 4.5 program, but I am still waiting to hear from the schools in my state. I’ll be visiting Pennsylvania sometime around March though. So excited! :)</p>