Info on the History and UAP departments at VT

<p>Hi everyone,
I am a high school junior who is starting to put together my list of schools. I am planning on applying to VT, W&M and maybe one other school, Univ. of Mary Washington, for my in state choices. I want to go into historic preservation, possibly working as an historian or historic preservation specialist in an architecture firm or as an urban planner with that background.</p>

<p>At VT, I am thinking that I could get my undergrad degree in history (my love) and maybe a minor in either urban affairs and planning or geography before going onto grad school. </p>

<p>What is the history program like at Tech? Is it strong? I have looked at the UAP program a bit online, and it seems to be very policy driven (which isn't thrilling to me). I like more of a cultural and historical bend, which is why the geography minor or double major might be more my style. Anyway, thanks for reading through my initial questions! Hope to hear from some of you who have taken classes or know anything about these two areas!</p>

<p>No info from anyone on the history program at VT?</p>

<p>Curiously, are you considering UVA? Top notch history dept., preservation classes within the architecture school, buildings with immense historical significance which are undergoing years’ long preservation work, including not just structural work but aesthetic as well, trying to determine original colors and recreate them. I would think its well worth considering.</p>

<p>Thank you for the reply, but although I respect the academic choices that I would be offered at UVA, I do not feel that I would be happy in its social setting. I have visited on two different occasions during the academic school year, and I just do not think that I would fit in as well there. Please don’t take this the wrong way, but I feel that VT has more of a community/family feel and has much more school spirit, which is something I value a great deal. </p>

<p>When I walked around campus at UVA last fall, I saw quite a few students with Princeton, Yale, etc. on their sweatshirts. The guides all talked about the schools they didn’t get into or were waitlisted for…all Ivys and prominent schools. That’s nice, but the focus wasn’t really on their love for the school they are at now. </p>

<p>Whereas when I visited Tech, everyone had on the school colors of maroon and orange. It is a beautiful, rural campus which I thought was breathtaking. The students just seem so “chill”, but are very smart, too. Everyone loves being a Hokie and there seems to be a really sincere feeling of wanting to serve and help others. They seem very down to earth and I really appreciate people like that.</p>

<p>Anyway, I am writing a lot about this, because I have researched it a lot, and like you said, I know that UVA may have what I am looking for academically. Some of my teachers are telling me exactly what you are, but I just can’t get past the feeling that I wouldn’t be as happy there personally. I think with a lot of hard work and dedication, I can get to the same place down the road in my career by going to a school that works for me in both areas: academically and socially. Again, thanks for your thoughts and for taking time to respond.</p>