Information for every incoming freshman?

I’m sending my first child off to JMU in the fall. It’s my alma mater, but I graduated from there in the “dark ages,” when there was nothing across 81 but the Convocation Center.

Obviously, they invested my tuition money wisely because things have changed a lot…

I’m hoping to create a thread that helps parents and students headed to JMU for their freshman year to plan ahead in the hope of making the smoothest transition possible for everyone.

The one thing I did that was helpful was a routine check of my son’s top 5 school choice websites, during the application process, waiting for the realease of the following year’s academic calendar. Once I found the move-in dates I booked hotels at each school, then canceled the rooms at the schools he didn’t choose. Obviously, this is more helpful for OOS students like my son.

What we did notice is that JMU housing isn’t a “first come, first served” system, which takes a bit of the pressure off the decision timeline.

Those that have been down this road recently, what do incoming freshman need to know?

Hoping after move in day there will be some info:)

CONGRATULATIONS! You’re son/daughter has been accepted at JMU and plans to attend.

Here is the academic calendar for the 2019-2020 year:

If you need a hotel for move-in(August 20th or 21st, your student will be assigned a specific day and time) I’d book it now, and by now I mean stop reading this and go book it. The earlier you do, the cheaper it will be. If you’ve been accepted EA then you have a jump on everyone. I’d make two reservations, one centered around the 20th move-in day, and another around the 21st. That way you can keep the one that works the best and cancel the other. Your actual move-in day won’t be assigned until late July.

The same holds true for Family Weekend if you plan to attend. You are at a disadvantage here because parents of current students already know what the dates are and have probably started booking rooms, even though it isn’t until October.

JMU also gets a full week off for Thanksgiving, which is nice. The last day of classes before the break is Friday, November 22nd. If your student needs to fly home it makes sense to book early and save the most money.

I’ll add more posts, on different subjects, as I have time to compile them.

The next thing you should do is check Facebook, as strange as that might sound.

I just did, and there is already a “JMU class of 2023” page established with 450+ members. This page is for incoming students to join. It is a great place for your student to interact with other students. It’s where my OOS son, the only student from his school to even apply to JMU, found his freshman year roommate and connected with a few other people prior to arriving at JMU. I have no idea if my son still checks the page but it came in handy last Spring and Summer.

There is currently a “JMU Parents” Facebook page with 5,100+ members that you can join right now. They cover a ton of subjects. I’ve seen many new class of 2023 parents posting already. Not all the topics there will apply to your current situation but you’ll find a lot of information.

At some point very soon someone will create a “JMU Class of 2023 Parent Group.” I recommend joining it. It was quite a rollercoaster ride last year. The collective knowledge and experiences shared on there will provide some essential tips and tricks that you will come to appreciate. There will be parents on there with older children that currently attend JMU or have recently graduated. They will be able to provide valuable insight into the process you are going through from acceptance to move-in and beyond. Last year there was a glitch in the JMU Housing system that an incoming student stumbled upon. The word spread like wildfire on the JMU student page and quickly reached the JMU parent page. We crashed the JMU computer system but we got a peek at where our students would be living.

The student Facebook page is the place where your student will begin to meet people and hopefully start to form their circle of friends. I like to think of JMU as a big little school. There are a lot of students on campus but it still has a smaller community feel to it. It’s imperative that your son or daughter really put themselves out there early and often, even at Choices. It will make all the difference in their experience on campus.

@Time2Shine the suggestion to book hotels for move in at a few schools is a great idea. Our daughter could wind up at any of 3 or 4 schools at this point so I’m probably going to do that.
Our daughter is in accepted student facebook groups for another school and it’s been very helpful in the decision process. I do not see this JMU class of 2023 that you reference. I’m only seeing a 2020 group. Can you provide a link?