Information for Future Transfers

<p>Hello, my goal here is to post some information for future Geneseo transfers to answer some of the questions that I had when I was transferring in that I either had to really dig for, or could not find an answer to.</p>


<p>To start: What you need to give them (or at least what i had to):</p>

<p>-The common app or suny app</p>

<p>-The transfer supplemental form on here: <a href=""&gt;;/a> application-process</p>

<p>-Transcript from current college</p>

<p>-A short essay explaining why you want to attend</p>

<p>-A High School Transcript</p>

<p>-SAT/ACT scores (they most likely will need these especially if you have not been at college for many semesters, but keep in mind the more credits you have at a college institution, the less they will weigh it on their decision)</p>


<p>And as for when to expect to hear is ROLLING ADMISSIONS. This means that the longer you wait, the longer it will take to hear back, and if you wait too long, your chances will become slimmer and slimmer of getting in. They accept and reject as they go so if you have not received your answer it does not mean that you were rejected. For example, I was accepted today (April 4th), but people have been accepted in the beginning of March (if not sooner).</p>

<p>And just as a heads up, the "big envelope = acceptance, little envelope = rejection" did not apply for me. I got a regular sized envelope for my letter so don't fret if you see that.</p>

<p><strong>APPLY SOONER RATHER THAN LATER</strong></p>


<p>From looking at basically all the information I have seen for Geneseo transfers on the internet, here seems to be what weighs the most.</p>

<p>-ACT/SAT (the longer in college, the less they matter)
-GPA in College AND GPA in High School (the longer in college the less the HS GPA matters)
-Classes taken in College and if they apply to selected major
-Classes taken in HS (for example, taking AP's in high school helps)
-Where you are transferring from</p>


<p>And finally here are my stats as well as the stats of my girlfriend who both have been accepted.</p>

<p>1060 SAT, 16 credits at college, 24 credits transferred from high school, 94 GPA (high school), 4.0 from community college.</p>

<p>1380 SAT, 14 credits at college, 30 credits transferred from high school, 95 GPA (HS), 4.0 from community college.</p>

<p>As you can see, lower SATS do not mean rejection, and neither does community college.</p>


<p>I hope this helps some people, I would have found this very useful.</p>