<p>I participated in SHSS (not SHSSP) two years ago, '07.</p>
<p>David, the fact that you would cry and pout over something as simple as a summer college preparatory program, I will chalk up to your immaturity. But the fact that you actually went as far as to post pictures of 2007 SSP graduates - that makes you a truly despicable human being (what are you, like, 40? Get a life), and I think it’s high time someone called you out on that fact, so here goes:</p>
<p>For those who don’t know David, he runs a small hedge fund. He somehow always seems to find time to elbow his narrow-minded ideas into each and every Williams debate concerning race. His opinions are, in fact, disregarded each and every time, and his constant disparaging has caused him to be pigeon-holed as small-minded in most alumni circles.</p>
<p>Now, on to the subject at hand.</p>
<p>David, you brought up this same subject before, and were roundly dismissed. As a matter of fact, I believe you in addition challenged Professor Sam Crane (someone who is leagues smarter than you), and roundly lost that debate as well.</p>
<p>You say you don’t know the history of this program as well as you should; then don’t speak on something you don’t know about, because in most cases, your opinions will be incorrect.</p>
<p>Both SHSS and SSP admit both minorities and non-minorities. As the central goal of both programs is to provide under-served students with an opportunity to become acquainted with the work load and atmosphere of williams, most of those students will, naturally, be minorities. The program is not self-segregation, as it does not seek to separate SHSS and SSP students from the larger student population.</p>
<p>But there’s a larger point i’d like to make, and that is, even if SHSS and SSP <em>were</em> self segregating, I would not consider that such a bad thing. The truth is, Williams is a segregated school. In some cases, self-segregation at Williams is beneficial for minorities from disadvantaged backgrounds.</p>
<p>As for the openness of SHSS/SSP, the school is actually being pretty straightforward. It says the program is open to minorities and all first generation students. </p>
<p>I don’t have the time (nor the will) to continue this discussion, except to caution readers of collegeconfidential against paying heed to David’s rants. He’s a 40-year old child, with nothing to do but compromise the privacy of 17 year olds.</p>
<p>You’re pathetic, old man.</p>