<p>I am going to Cornell engineering next year (ED), and I was accepted with Electrical and Computer Engineering as my intended major. I've been building my own computers for about 4 years and have a strong interest in that.</p>
<p>I am also, however, am really interested in economics (and the economics of engineering). So after being accepted, I looked into the different majors much more closely, and realized that I also was very interested in Operations Research, which seemed to combine my interest in physics, engineering, and economics. For the last few months I've been kind of debating whether I should go for OR or ECE, never really thinking there might be a "compromise" of sorts...</p>
<p>So now, I've looked more closely at Cornell's Info Science, Systems, and Technology major, which is divided into either Information Science or Management science (I'd do management science), and looks to be MUCH more technical than your standard "Information Science" BA as a liberal arts major. It's offered by their school of OR and IE.</p>
<p>The classes look very similar to the OR major, but also blends some IT/CS type stuff. In fact, there are 7 required courses that are shared by both majors (not counting core physics/math/general core classes).</p>
<p>Anyone have any experience with this major? As far as I know its pretty much brand new (there haven't been any graduates from it yet), but does anyone here (experienced engineers or anyone with an opinion) have any opinion on this program? I'm really not sure I want to be a hardcore technical type of engineer - it seems to be an analyst/consulting position would better suit my interests...does it look like an ISST management science major would be pretty well-suited for a position like that?</p>