<p>I attended a local information session and was extremely impressed with U of Rochester.
The university appears to have many of the benefits of a small school within a research university. They seem to focus on the undergrad more than peer schools. I don't know much about the city of Rochester and the winters but will explore further.</p>
<p>Any reason why the acceptance rate is so high? Is the yield low due to the location, weather, etc.....? It seems like a real good school</p>
<p>Acceptance rate is high because of the low yield because:
A) Location
B) Used as a safety</p>
<p>What lawyr2b said is exactly the reason why i am going to UR</p>
<p>I guess there are only a limited # of top schools similar in size within research universities. Tufts, Emory, WUSTL and Rice seem to have that undergrad focus.</p>
<p>yeah, Rochester is really the kind of school that you really want to go to, or you really dont. No in between, like many other schools if they throw money at someone he/she would attend, or he/she would attend albeit a small amount of doubt, and make the best of it. With rochester, you either would definitely attend the school, or def. not attend the school. So a lot of people who have just heard of the reputation of the school and what not and have not done a great amount of research initially start out with just throwing out an app at rochester, then once they get in they take a closer look at the school and find out that it really wasnt what they wanted..or they got into an ivy and are chasing after the prestige. It works the other way too, mind you, with someone throwing out their app at rochester based on the rep. of rochester, and then after getting accepted, doing further research and absolutely loving the school. Unfortunately between the issue of people using it as a safety and getting into better schools and the indifferent people who applied and later found it wasnt really for them anyways, it adds up which contributes to that yield.</p>
<p>You basically need to analyze for yourself...with rochester and any other college that you apply to...is this school really for me? or am I applying for other outstanding reasons? If rochester is indeed your fit, it'll be towards the top of your list, and you'll know it ;) forget about the crappy yield and other stats that dont mean much.</p>
<p>lawyer2b , are you a tentative pre-law student?</p>
<p>Your point is well taken regarding checking out each school in depth. For me, the individual fit takes precedence over name recognition and US News rankings. As of now,Rochester is at the top of my list. I will need to visit as part of my search.
YES, I plan to pursue law. I know the poli sci grad dept is tops and assume that the undergrad dept is also excellent. My original thinking was to attend a school in or near a major city to take advantage of local opportunities, however Rochester seems to have enough pol sci related opportunities in DC and abroad.
Are you familiar with the poli sci program and how Rochester grads fare gaining acceptance to the top law schools? I know some schools post this data.
Thanks for your input !</p>
<p>its really high because most people wither dont know it exixts (kinda like a secret weapon) or use it as a safety--another reason why everyone who goes there is so smart</p>
<p>It might be a secret to many which is why they seem to be attempting on gaining greater national recognition. Other schools have succeeded in this endeavor; WUSTL, Emory, etc.... One major advantage these schools have is at least triple endowment of Rochester.</p>
<p>Rochester is making strides and is appealing to students who are serious about the school rather than applying as a safety just in case....... </p>
<p>Rochester is a fine well rounded small university.</p>
<p>lawyer2b: 2 of my friends chose Rochester for their pre-law track versus schools in DC because they thought Rochester will give a better personal education, which is very much needed for pre-professional students, and the internship/networking oppurtunities at Rochester are pretty damn good considering its not in DC and all that, they have some very good abroad programs for internships and they do well placing interns across DC and the nation.</p>
<p>Thanks for all of your info, you seem to be a great resource of knowledge regarding U of R. I assume you are a student. What is your major and what attracted you to the university?</p>
<p>Also, echoing a previous e-mail; any idea where one could find data on the success of law students? GPA, LSAT, where applied and accepted?</p>
<p>Schools like Michigan, Binghamton, Emory, Chicago, Amherst, Yale and others provide these stats.
These can be important factors when considering applying to top law or med schools. For example, if one had any doubt about the success of its students into top law schools, just compare the University of Chicago, Emory, Michigan and Northwestern to Wash University in St Louis. The results are eye opening!</p>
<p>Haha, thanks for the compliment, I truly did a good deal of research on the school before applying. I'm actually Class of 2009, so I'm an incoming freshmen, not really yet a current student ;) </p>
<p>My major is bio - neuroscience /premed track. I was originally attracted to the University through hearing about it through the reputation buzz for having a good science background, then when I passed by Rochester towards Toronto, we decided to spend the night there, and I made my to visit the University since I was there anyway..it was quite miraculous. I visited, fell in love with the beautiful campus, the programs that they offered, came home...did further research, asked around, and found it on the top as an elite school for premed/pre-professional programs, great business school (which is my fallback plan), and an over-all strong reputation as a feeder for grad/professional schools.</p>
<p>I am extremely interested in U of Rochester and want to visit. I have a ridiculous schedule during the school year and was hoping to have my list of schools to apply to by September at the latest.
At this point in time, I consider U of Rochester to be a solid match and fit for my needs.</p>
<p>Is it worthwhile visiting U of Rochester during the summer or should I wait until the students are in session during the school year.</p>
<p>I guess I could visit in the summer and interview with a member of the admissions staff and return in the fall to gain a better feel for the campus.</p>
<p>Any thoughts/reommendations?</p>
<p>I did a visit in the summer, there were a few students on campus including the tourguides, etc, so I got a feel from them. I fell in love, applied ED. Then I truly got a feel for the campus when I visited again in the Spring...that's when I TRULY TRULY TRULY felt how it was to be a student at UR, and felt the community, etc.</p>
<p>really, if you visit in the summer it should be fine, you'll get a feel for how life is if you ask the tour guides and such. If you realize you dont like it, you'll realize in the summer...you wont need that second visit in the fall. but hopefully you'll enjoy UR campus..it's BEAUTIFUL!</p>
<p>Thanks once again!!!</p>
<p>I am planning to visit all schools that I plan to apply to by Labor Day. 3 down, 2 left. I definitely plan to seriously consider Rochester. I fgure that I could always visit while school is in session and possibly do an overnight.</p>
<p>Other schools on my radar are GWU, American and possbily Tufts.</p>
<p>Good stuff, hopeful1 what are you trying to get into discipline wise?</p>
<p>A friend of mine chose UR over all three of those schools, Tufts, GWU, American. He's Prelaw but possibly premed. How ironic :)</p>
<p>Liberal arts program for me. As of now, my interests are history, english, econ. legal studies and poli sci. I will probably major in history or Poli sci with a minor in legal studies. Guess I plan to apply to law school with Lawyr2B.</p>
<p>Impressions about the 3 other schools during recent visits:</p>
<p>Tufts -strong academics, more cut throat, more rigid GERs. Not for me.
American - could be good but the overall college and average student is a notch or two lower. I was not very impressed by the students I met, athough the honors students were high achievers.
GWU - expensive!!!, mixed student review about courses and accessibility of DC profs. Very good honors program.</p>
<p>Both DC schools offer intereting opportunities close by which is a big plus.</p>
<p>Other schools I have researched are Emory, Michigan and Northwestern, all fine schools.</p>
<p>W/O having visited Rochester, my gut feelng is that it share many similarities to Emory. Emory's huge endowment have propelled it into the national spotlight the past 10 years or so.</p>
<p>GWU Honors and U of Rochester seem to appeal to me the most at this point.
Ironcally, both are roughly equidistant from my home.</p>
<p>My son attends Eastman but has a strong interest in Poli Sci. He has taken a bunch of Poli Sci classes at the River Campus and says the Poli Sci department is phenomenal. He has loved all of the professors he has had. He finds the classes very interesting and challenging and the profs very approachable. I don't think you could go wrong with a poli sci major at UR.</p>