<p>Im majoring in history and ultimately I could see myself working in education, government, social services, or something like that. Most likely something educational. I am, however, really good with math and computers and I'd like to study something like that in school. I was a computer science major at one point, but it was kind of depressing to me. I dont really care enough about hardcore computer science to be a full blown major. Right now Im trying to decide whether it'd be better to add a computer science minor to my history degree or add an IT second major (IT seems more interesting). The downside to doing the IT double major is that I'd have no room for electives. If I did a computer science minor I'd have more room in my schedule.</p>
<p>I know I have to decide myself, but I'd like some advice in general. I also know this is the engineering section, but I see a lot of questions about computer science on here, so I thought it'd be okay.</p>
<p>If you like IT and want to do it, go for it.</p>
<p>As far as the electives thing goes, think of it like this… your electives are those extra IT classes you’re taking. If you’d rather be taking other electives, you shouldn’t commit to make them IT classes.</p>
<p>It boils down to what you really want. It might be better to just focus on history at this point, or you can just take a few IT or CS electives without doing a formal major/minor in it.</p>
<p>Is it good to have just a small knowledge of programming or IT though? Arent programming and IT the kind of subjects that you need to know a lot about in order for it to be worth it. For example, Ive already completed programming 1 and I’ve taken one class on flash and dreamweaver, but I’m not really skilled in either, you know?</p>
<p>Also, if I just got my history degree, would it be just as effective to get IT certifications if I decided that I needed them down the road? Is a liberal arts degree + certifcations the same as a double major in liberal arts and IT?</p>
<p>Sorry for asking so many questions and thanks in advance for any responses.</p>